Class of Heroes

Class of Heroes

Released 6/10/09
Genre : RPG
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ESRB Rated T: Teen
Content Descriptors
  • Alcohol Reference
  • Mild Fantasy Violence
  • Mild Language
  • Mild Suggestive Themes
Interactive Elements
No Interactive Elements
from 280 users
Enroll in Particul Academy for aspiring heroes and prepare to live a life of adventure! When the mysterious labyrinths appeared in the world years ago, the land was changed forever. A tangled web of caves and catacombs crisscross the countryside. The few brave souls who returned from exploration discovered pieces of great power and fabulous riches. At the Academy, you'll learn all the skills you need to be an adventurer, including bravery, spellcraft, and swordplay. Create your character from the ground up choosing among races, alignments, and majors. Over 75 different levels await you as you search for glory and honor among the ranks of the brave and powerful!

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very difficult to pick up and play
an entertaining game, but be sure to save often. i was never- not once- able to run away from a battle i knew was going to be lost, regardless of the point in battle i tried. also, making a party can be very complicated without use of a guide
laurac (member since 2009)
reviewed on 6/24/09
9 agree
Did you like Disgaea?
Or how about the old school first person RPGs like Dungeon Master? This game is for lovers of old school grinding RPGs. Action RPG fans, and those more interested in super awesome graphics fast paced action should probably stay away.
Rakeleer (member since 2008)
reviewed on 9/20/09
10 agree
didnt try
like the heading stated i didnt give it much pf a try. I tried to get into it but it was just to broken of a game. i highly dont recomend playing this.
greenman30 (member since 2008)
reviewed on 12/22/09
7 agree
Seriously, this game is way too complicated! Six people to control and make decisions for???!!! Unless your into like dungeons and dragons paced games, this game is waaay to technical...and it sucks because I LOVE SCHOOL =D
Mimzy619 (member since 2009)
reviewed on 10/8/09
7 agree
Too hard to pick up and play without instructions.
I spent way too long trying to figure out how to assembly my party(edit option while in the office menu). Once you actually start attending classes, the 1st 3 are just listening to an instructor and then the next one is almost impossible even using the sight spell. At least the dungeons have 4-5 different configurations so each time you enter a dungeon it's different than the one before. It is possible to take the classes out of order( which I probably should have done once my characters were strong enough).
tiloho (member since 2005)
reviewed on 6/17/09
8 agree
good but...
It was a good game but hard as heck I found myself dying three times in the same dungeon and I only played it for one day
Alteron (member since 2009)
reviewed on 7/20/09
4 agree
Worst thing for an indecisive person.
I honestly /really/ like this game. It is difficult, and you have to learn a few tricks on how to play it. <br />Its all about strategy. <br />If you play this game and like RPG's then I recommend you go online and research it first. <br />There are races that clash together to bring up or down your stats and your bonus points are generated at random. <br />I sat there for a few hours trying to get a high bonus point number. <br />It'll take a few tries to figure out what you need in your party. <br />If you rage quit easy, DO NOT GET THIS GAME. <br />But, if you like a challenge and customizable characters (Not by looks but stats, class, you know basic RPG) then give it a chance.
Joker4479 (member since 2013)
reviewed on 3/21/13
0 agree
I gave it a chance....
Gave this game a trying seeing how much i liked Etrian Odyssey. I just couldn&#39;t finish it! <br /><br />Pros : 1st 20min feel great!<br /><br />Cons: The rest of the time.<br /><br />I was drawn in the first 10-20min of gameplay due to start then quickly realized visual effects were the only thing goin on. <br /><br />Dungeons are painfully boring. Bosses die in 2-3 turns while everything else in 1. The sheer amount of appraising everything 1 item at a time takes extreme patience. Story is basicly run out and complete this dungeon for 1 sentence of information and repeat 30 more times.<br /><br />Ive played it for 10+ hours keeping the hope alive that it would get better but it just doesnt. Save yourself hours of wishing for it to get better.
lilmagex (member since 2011)
reviewed on 9/21/11
1 agree
The Stupidest Game Ever!!!
Ok, I normally give games the benefit of the doubt and try them out for at least a day, but I played this game for not even an hour before getting so angry and annoyied I needed to send it back. I even delered the saved file. The game was rediculous, every time you died it completly reset to a different party, the battles are far too difficult to early on and frankly, without a manual this game is the worst idea one could ever come up with. I expected more form you Atlus!!
Duzzel (member since 2011)
reviewed on 5/5/11
1 agree
Where is my character?
This game is a little stupid. You don't &quot;customize&quot; the characters at all! In the game the &quot;characters&quot; get dumped at boarding school where they train to become heros. (Which explains the game title.) You don't see the &quot;characters&quot; at all!!! You go into caves and do quests the teachers give you. But it seems like you repeat everything again and again! So the point space in your GameQ by not renting this game!
BULLY123 (member since 2008)
reviewed on 10/27/09
2 agree

Game Details


Specs & Requirements

Memory544 kbModesStory, Full Mission Single-Player

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