Field Commander
Genre : Strategy/Sim
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After witnessing the rise of the Shadow Nation, a terrorist outfit bent on world domination, the Allied Nations create the ATLAS, an independent organization with one mission: obliterating the terrorist enemies. As an ATLAS Field Commander, you have authority over 15 Army divisions capable of attacking on land, sea, or through the air. Take charge in over 30 single-player missions, each with a new chance to become a hero. The game's turn-based strategy challenges you to create battle plans that outwit your enemies, who grow increasingly skilled through advanced AI. Create and upload your own missions or challenge yourself in multi-commander play with the PSP's WiFi capabilities.
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User Ratings (841)
User Reviews (36)
This game is extrememly addicting! If you like turn-base strategy games, this is for you. I love building up a little army and holding back until I have a formidable force, then just go on an all out charge. The animations for shooting, exploding and soldiers dieing are pretty good! I've yet to get bored of seeing a tank blow up a scout or an anti-aircraft launcher take out a chopper. I honestly wasn't sure how much I would like the game and was hesistant to buy, but now I'm glad I did! My first sitdown with the game lasted 3-4hrs! The campaigns are fun and the maps vary nicely. You can also create your own maps for yourself or online play! I highly recommend this game. It's my #1 PSP game as of now!
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 5/28/06
OMG! I finished it!
I have played a lot of games in my day. I think only the latest Metal Gear or Resident Evil lasted longer than this game in terms of time to beat it. That is pretty impressive for a PSP game. Granted, sometimes I had to stop a level in the middle and did not save it properly, so all of my progress for the level was lost; however, some levels took many hours uninterrupted. Others were easily beaten on the first try and within the span of an hour.<br><br>I really dig strategy games like this one. If you enjoy StarCraft or Command & Conquer, you will enjoy this one, too. The storyline was a little weak, but the occasional curve thrown kept me interested.<br><br>I did not play online against other players once I beat the storybased game, so I cannot really comment on that portion. I never really play online except for 1st person games like SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo and Unreal Tournament. I expect that if you do enjoy playing strategy games against other gamers, that ability will more than justify purchasing the game. From the little I did explore of the online features, it seems like you have a lot of ability to setting up online matches in the way of terrain, weather, etc.<br><br>Overall, one of the most solid PSP games I've played and definitely worth renting. At times, I forgot I was even playing on the PSP.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 8/17/06
Fun with war!
<br>A lot of people have been making comparisons to Advanced Wars & Dual Strike. Calling this a shameless rip off. Though the general game play and concept of turn based warfare are granted very similar, this is not a rip off. This game is one of only a handful of PSP gems. Field Commander is handheld video narcotics. It reminds me also of games like Star Craft, albeit much smaller in scale, and not nearly as time consuming or demanding the constant gathering, protecting, and spending resources for, storage, units, soldiers, and whatnot. Field Commander, is a exceptionally fun game! You are a commander of a military organization, and set out to embark upon many varied missions to defeat well armed militias, or rogue mercenary armies. There is a ton of strategy involved in this game. Making choices of what types of units to order up ranging from Grunt-Tank-Gun ships & submarines to list only a few is critical to your survival ad each campaign mission has different demands that require you to make good choices. Make the wrong choices and you're done. The missions are creative, and down right fun. Movement flows well shocking considering the PSP design. Sending your units to parts of the map is very easy and intuitive.<br>FC comes packed with goodies, On line play, map design to wage your own wars setting your own objectives. Tons of varied items to unlock as you progress. This game has few flaws, namely the enemy AI is a little stupid. But I didn't find it nearly as easy as some have suggested. The difficulty level is well designed and lends to a very entertaining time. You can save any time you want. The graphics are excellent especially when the camera zooms in to a close up of the turn based battles. Field Commander is too much fun, and man is it hard to stop playing. Once you start making your own maps to wage war, you'll find replay value to be very high. Great game. I enjoyed this game so much so fast that I logged on to Game fly and bought it an hour later.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 8/5/06
Excellent Turn Based Game
This game is the kind of visual quality and game play I came to expect to play on the original PS One. The game is more than your standard paper, rock, scissors genre and has pretty decent graphics and sound coming from a handheld.<br><br>You don't experience video lag or degradation and the story and game play is solid.<br><br>This is definitely a pick.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 10/2/06
Field Commander
I liked this game for its game play. But i felt the computer takes way too long to make its moves. If you are not patient this is not the game for you. But if you like a C&C type game you will love field commander.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 9/18/06
This game is a solid game with very pretty graphics for a top-down strategy SIM. Overall this game has no major flaws other than a lack of depth or unit development. Fun game if looking for a diversion on a short trip. Decent online/WiFi play mode - again fun in short doses. Overall, worth playing.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 9/12/06
Field Commander is an excellent addiction
This game is excellent. Field Commander is basically one part of the old 'Rampart' game, mixed with 2 classic board games Risk and Stratego. The game is very basic for the first couple levels, but do not let this fool you, fore as the game goes on the levels get very difficult and the strategy becomes the key to your victory(or defeat). More and more vehicles and forces emerge as the game goes on. This, mixed with the Sea levels, breaks the repetitiveness and also makes you utilize your troops/vehicles to certain situations. If you are interested at all in military, war, strategy, or killing the opposing fascist terrorists, this game will not disappoint!! Definite an A grade game!!
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 7/21/06
Advance Wars on PSP!!
Field Commander is basically the popular Gameboy Advance title Advance Wars ported on to the PSP system minus a few stylistic points. Though the PSP's graphical capabilities allow you to see your units and the battlefield in 3D (something that could not be achieved on GBA) it just feels like the high production value, and style of Advance Wars is missing (possibly to make Field Commander appeal to an older, more sophisticated audience). The game is VERY addictive because it is a game that is truly designed for a portable system. It emphasizes turn based strategy over intricate plot lines. The in-battle save feature allows you to quickly save and then pick up again right where you left off is an especially nice touch.
(member since 2003)
reviewed on 6/8/06
What a great game!
A was skeptical about renting this game. Why? A long time ago, I played a game called “Advanced Wars 2” for the GameBoy Advance. That game was difficult to play. Once I got “Field Commander” from GameFly, I could not stop playing for hours. Per stage, I was spending at least more than an hour to complete. The graphics were great, but I tend to lose my soldiers in the forest or grass areas since they tend to blend in with it. The sound was just right for this game. The storyline for the game was good. It was very easy to understand the concept of how to play this game. Overall, this is a great game well worth spending your leisure time.
(member since 2002)
reviewed on 8/2/06
field commander review
field commander for the PSP is a great strategy game the graphics are good for the psp and the close up fighting animations are fun to look at. the story mode is great and quick battle is fun so this game gets a 10 out of 10
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 6/3/06
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