This video is a promotional trailer featuring various highlights from the product. Please refer to the detailed product description below for complete information about LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game.

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
Genre : Family/Party
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Captain Jack is back with a whole new world to explore! LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game packs the adventure of three movies into one gigantic game. Join Captain Jack Sparrow for a trio of Pirate sagas filled with 70 characters and styled after the first three installments of the hit film franchise. Swashbuckle through 20 levels in single-player or Co-Op Mode, or go back to dig up new items (treasure, anyone?) in Freeplay Mode. When the quirky Captain Jack meets the irreverence of LEGO, you know you're in for an entertaining adventure.
Media (36)

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Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game - Behind the Scenes Movie

Disney E3 2011 Booth Tour

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game - Incognito Gameplay Movie

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game - Beach Clean-Up Gameplay Movie

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game - Stagecoach Escape Gameplay Movie

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game - Roasted Pirate Gameplay Movie

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game - Blacksmith Duel Gameplay Movie

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game - The Power of Pirates

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game - Breakout Gameplay Video
User Ratings (2030)
User Reviews (25)
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean
I never knew that the LEGO franchise would be sailing into the Pirates of the Caribbean world. The game has the similar elements of all the other LEGO games. This game however, has improved in terms of graphics and interaction. The characters have the same likeness as they do in the movies. Jack Sparrow moves like he is off balance at all times, like he is suppose to. This game makes the Pirates movies fun for all ages and I have enjoyed playing it! This is the best LEGO game to date!
(member since 2010)
reviewed on 5/20/11
Best of the Lego games
I had this game for almost a month because my kids and myself had a whole lot of fun playing it. This is a very fun game to play.
(member since 2011)
reviewed on 8/1/11
Just the other Lego title, Pirates is highly enjoyable and has a high replay value. I really did not find anything wrong with this game and was actually surprised when it featured "On stranger tides" before the movie itself even came out. This game is most definitely fit for all ages. I look forward to the next Lego title.
(member since 2010)
reviewed on 6/4/11
Better than past Lego games
My daughter and I have had a blast playing this game. It has all the movies in it and seems to have better graphics than past Lego games. Captain Jack Sparrow even has his trademark walk when using his character. Great game and recommended to all.
(member since 2011)
reviewed on 5/10/11
I was looking into the trophies and was like man theres no way im going to get the platinum on this title. but after a while and finding some redhats i was there pretty quickly. and needless to say the game was very enjoyable. one of those games me and my ole lady actually played together (she played it more than me btw). Def pick this title up!
(member since 2011)
reviewed on 9/22/11
Outstanding Lego Title.
First off if you love Lego games and Pirates of the Caribbean you're going to love this. The puzzle solving mixed with the humorous Lego presentation of the stories is an excellent combination. One way they made the interface better is by allowing you to hold triangle (PS3) to select your character, versus having to face the character you want and often shift to the wrong one, and in "Free Play" you can choose from every character you have collected, not just the few you start a level with. I play this with both my son and daughter, and we absolutely love it. It's fun for them to be their favorite characters, while I enjoy the challenge in the puzzle solving, to both complete the levels, and find the hidden mini-kits, and compass items. I own every Lego game produced to date, and can say that while each is unique in its own rite, this is the most amazing yet.
(member since 2011)
reviewed on 5/26/11
Awesome new Lego features
Wow this is the best Lego game yet with awesome new moves! Like the pole clime, grenades, and many more. LOOK AT THIS!!!!!WATCH ON STRANGER TIDES BEFORE PLAYING THE GAME IT SPOILS THE MOVIE.
(member since 2011)
reviewed on 6/7/11
It's good for a while. After collecting enough studs to buy all the red hats and extra characters, there are plenty of minikits and compass treasures to obtain in free play. It follows the movies pretty close, but since it's LEGOS it gives off more of a goofy vibe that makes for lighthearted play. The two player split-screen bothered me. It kept bouncing all over the place and I would not recommend it for someone who, like me, gets motion sickness. Or you could keep a bucket nearby. Aside from the screen looking drunken and wobbling between diagonal, vertical, horizontal, and everywhere in between, two player gave the advantage of having another non-AI player to help with puzzles. Overall, not for serious gamers, but a fun distraction.
(member since 2011)
reviewed on 7/28/11
same old same old...but still fun
Basically if you have ever played a Lego game, you know what to expect here. Same lego experience, only this time with a Pirates twist. It is very fun and if you like the lego games then get this game. But if you are sick of the lego games then you will tire of this game pretty quick.
(member since 2010)
reviewed on 5/18/11
Better graphics, same old gameplay
"LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean" is the best looking game in the series. The water effects are terrific, the environments well detailed, and the main characters move like their movie counterparts. Captain Jack Sparrow's characteristic stagger is especially well captured. But good looks aren't enough to carry a game. This latest LEGO game carries with it much of the same gameplay that's the trademark of the series- there's some platforming, simple combat, and puzzle solving to be found throughout the game's twenty stages (five stages apiece for each of the Pirates movies, including the new one "On Stranger Tides"). Those work as well as they did in the last LEGO game, and are adequate to get you through the levels and provide some fun in doing so. Sadly, the same old problems are present as well. The camera can be unhelpful at times, and it can be puzzling (No pun intended) to figure out how to proceed. False clues are sometimes present , and it can lead to unnecessary running in circles til you figure out what to do. The hub world seems a step back, especially after the awesome hub in LEGO SW: The Clone Wars. You can eventually open things up once you gain enough gold bricks, but it's still not very compelling. As always, there is plenty to collect, so you will get your money's worth, provided you don't get bored with things. The hallmark of the series, its quirky sense of humor, is happily here in spades, and the game makes great use of Hans Zimmer's great musical score from the movies. As always, co-op locally with a friend makes life easier. There is no online play, which may be a minus for some. If you enjoyed past LEGO titles, give this one at least a rent. Enjoy!
(member since 2008)
reviewed on 5/15/11