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Ryse: Son of Rome
Xbox One

Ryse: Son of Rome

Released 11/21/13
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ESRB Rated M: Mature 17+
Content Descriptors
  • Blood and Gore
  • Intense Violence
  • Partial Nudity
  • Strong Language
  • Sexual Content
Interactive Elements
No Interactive Elements
from 3511 users
Ryse: Son of Rome is an action-adventure game that tells an epic tale of revenge spanning an entire lifetime. The story follows Marius Titus from his early childhood to his ascension to General in the Roman Army. Once you've seized power, you'll work with the Roman infantry to enact your terrible vengeance, commanding your troops in ruthless battles and getting your hands dirty with quick-time-event finishing moves during combat. Fifteen heroic, fully motion-captured characters have the same level of detail as Marius, and Ryse takes advantage of Microsoft's Kinect by allowing players to control Marius while simultaneously directing his legion through Kinect voice commands. There will also be a co-op multiplayer mode, where players fight each other in a gladiator arena setting.

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Very good
This was the first game I played on my new Xbox One and I was not disappointed. <br /> <br />Pros: <br />Amazing graphics <br />Engaging story (cutscenes made it feel like I was watching a movie) <br />Execution moves are awesome <br /> <br />Cons: <br />Gameplay is somewhat linear <br />Multiplayer is a little disappointing <br /> <br />Overall, Ryse makes up for repetitive gameplay with beautiful visuals and gory finishing moves that will keep the player engaged. It is definitely a must-rent, but if you have to buy it, I would wait until the price goes down. <br />
zack13 (member since 2013)
reviewed on 12/27/13
32 agree
need more of it
I thought this game was pretty awesome, except that it ended. It has everything I wanted, amazing executions, great story line, and the graphics are pretty top notch. Hopefully this isn't the last we see of a game based on the Roman Empire.
otsegoamigo (member since 2015)
reviewed on 1/7/15
2 agree
Beautiful graphics and fun!!
Great story although short i would rent but a definite play
darththomthom66 (member since 2014)
reviewed on 11/11/14
2 agree
Graphically amazing - Average gameplay
Ryse was a release title for the Xbox One, and it's a great example of a game that was designed to showcase the graphical and processing power of a new system. <br /> <br />The game looks absolutely amazing. The environments look practically like watching a BluRay movie. The animation is smooth and fluid, and the lighting is spot on for the most part. Some of the pre-rendered cutscenes can actually be hard to distinguish from live video. <br /> <br />The gameplay is average. A lot of folks have griped about the monotony, and they're not entirely wrong about that. There isn't a lot of variety to the gameplay, and there are a few minor (but noticeable) bugs. I even had the game crash to my dashboard once. <br /> <br />The game includes a half-hearted attempt at a character development system, but I found it mostly confusing and pointless. <br /> <br />The campaign is very brief - I might have taken six hours or so. I haven't tried the multiplayer, but given the ho-hum options available for different attack styles and combos, etc., I can't imagine it would be all that gripping. <br /> <br />Having beaten up on the gameplay quite a bit here, I have to add that it's not really terrible. Learning the timing of your blocks and parries is absolutely essential - you can't win without it - but it is a little bit rewarding, as your own skill at the game gradually improves and you become even more of a hard case. <br /> <br />Overall, the game is definitely worth renting, but I'm glad I didn't spend $60 (or even $30) to buy it new. <br />
Staples (member since 2010)
reviewed on 10/7/14
2 agree
Good fun - Good graphics. "Ryses" above Mordor.
No, it's not an Open-world game, it's Linear. Which I prefer as it feels atmospheric & looks beautiful. Combat feels a lot fresher & somewhat more challenging than that Of Mordor. Recommended Brutality.
IronHayden (member since 2017)
reviewed on 1/10/17
1 agree
pretty good
When protagonist Marius Titus lowers a foe’s defenses and goes in for the kill, the speed of the fray slows to a crawl, giving us a good look at why Ryse: Son of Rome will simultaneously draw gawking glances and be rendered unappealing. <br /> <br />In this measured moment, we see Marius’ segmented armor shift with the contortion of his body, the cloth beneath it rippling as he raises his arm, and the skin on his face tightening as his mouth opens in a furious rage before he slits his opponent’s throat. This spectacle is every bit as breathtaking as it is brutal, standing tall as a showpiece of next-generation technology. But what hand did the player have in this execution? Little to none. <br /> <br />All of Ryse’s final blows are delivered through timed button presses, prompted by flashing colors on the victim’s body. These visual cues represent the colors on the controller’s face buttons. Successfully hitting the correct sequence rewards the player with the choice of additional experience points, a damage boost, health replenishment, or Focus. The only penalties for hitting the wrong button or not hitting a button at all are a lower rating and less of the aforementioned rewards. Marius won’t botch the kill, and the opponent won’t counter the attack. This entire animation sequence is scripted and it’s going to play out exactly the same no matter how much you interact with it. <br /> <br />Since experience points are valuable and used to upgrade Marius’ health, Focus meter, and projectile supply, it’s in the player’s best interest to initiate these execution sequences and play the awful little game of Simon Says. This leads to the tiring monotony of watching the animations play out. While many of the execution animations repeat in standard combat circumstances, some battlefields do allow the player to initiate an environmental kill. Marius will slam someone against a rock and send his sword through them, drown a downed soldier in a shallow pool, toss an attacker off of a cliff, and use a wall o
gamerstar_rgn (member since 2013)
reviewed on 3/8/14
1 agree
Stunning Visuals, Boring Game!
The game's graphics is unlike anything I've seen before. Honestly, looking at this graphics all I kept saying was "I can't wait to see what the Xbox can do 2-3 years from now". I've played NFS Rivals, Ghost, and NBA 2k14, but Ryse hands down takes the 10/10 for just the graphics alone. <br /> <br />All graphics aside, the story is very basic. Kind of like, "boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy meets girl again, boy keeps girl". There are no surprises, or anything that makes you say "Whoa! I wasn't expecting that!". It's just a very basic game. It will come to no surprise when I say I finished the game on "Normal" in less than 5 hours. It's extremely short. <br /> <br />The controllers were easy to get used to since you honestly perform the same moves over and over and over and over and over until the game is done and over with. Honestly, within the first 5 minutes I was fed up with pressing the same freaking A (to block) and X (to hit). Muscle memory didn't stand a chance since my fingers took over that part. <br /> <br />I gave this game a 7 because of how repetitive it was. It got boring in the first hour. I honestly just wanted to finish it to get to the end to see what happens. All visuals aside, I don't recommended for $60 bucks or even $30 bucks because of how short it was. I say this is a definitely a must rent and only becomes a must buy if it hits $19.99. At that price, I would buy it just to have it.
RawBott (member since 2013)
reviewed on 2/2/14
8 agree
A Showcase for Next-Gen Graphics
When Ryse was first shown, it looked promising. But, in the months and weeks leading to the Xbox One release, I was apprehensive about Ryse because of reviewers suggesting the demos they played were not great, but mediocre. I can assure you that my experience was much better than expected. <br /> <br />Gameplay- It is somewhat of a button-masher, as reviewers suggested. However, the in-game cinematics are very entertaining, especially with exexcutions. The player movement was smooth, but the controls get a little quirk outside of hacking and slashing. The online play is surprisingly effective, but it feels a little sluggish if one of you is lagging. As for mission objectives, it is VERY linear 5/10 <br /> <br />Story- The story does have holes and some question marks, but overall, it is entertaining. If you enjoy history, then you will appreciate the historical undertones of the game. 7/10 <br /> <br />Sound- I loved the sound of Marius running through the environment, and the noise of swords meeting each other in combat. The music is great, too, as it gives you that feeling of watching classic movies that centered around ancient Rome. 8/10 <br /> <br />Menu/Interface- The menu seems a little confusing; you will be able to understand what is being portrayed, but the layout of some of the menus seems to be a little awkward. The in-game interface and HUD is clean and does not get in the way of your view...except for when objectives pop up. 6/10 <br /> <br />Graphics- Last but not least, the graphics are the pride and joy of this game. Definitely the best graphics ever seen in console history, everything looks spectacular and smooth; the frames are impressive, too. The environments are wonderful to look at, and you might find yourself gauging the atmosphere rather than fighting enemies for a while. <br /> <br />Overall, this is a definite must-play if only to experience the graphics and next-gen potential. Is it a must-buy? I would say no. But, it is a definite must-rent and must-play.
TheSnowGator (member since 2013)
reviewed on 12/3/13
11 agree
Its pretty, just pretty.
I usually play a game all the way through but I cant stay interested. People are saying the story is great but its your typical vengance story. The fighting mechanics are cool, yet repeatative. I will say it is beautiful. If you love roman empire stuff, you will like this game. The strategic aspect is cool and accurate. <br />
hookahman (member since 2014)
reviewed on 12/3/14
5 agree
Ryse Son of Rome
First things first I would like to say what a gorgeous looking game this is. I know there have been some mixed reviews on this game so I'll keep mine short and sweet. If you like bloody games, fun combat and bloody games this one is for you. The combat in the game does get a bit repetitive but in a good way I mean cutting off an arm or a head maybe legs was cool. Controls I feel worked well, enemies unfortunately where recycled through the game so you beat the he!! outta the same characters. Games very short only 8 episodes. I recommend the game give it a try, short bloody fun
Metallica0 (member since 2010)
reviewed on 2/5/14
5 agree

Game Details

Players1Online Players 2 PublisherMicrosoftRatingMature 17+

Specs & Requirements

Memory47 GBOnline FeaturesOnline Multiplayer, Online Co-opModesCampaignControllersKinect EnabledKinect FeaturesVoice Enabled, Kinect Sensor Optional

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