PlayStation 3

Escape Dead Island

Released 11/17/14
Genre : Action Adventure
Also On Xbox 360
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ESRB Rated M: Mature 17+
Content Descriptors
  • Blood and Gore
  • Intense Violence
  • Strong Language
Interactive Elements
No Interactive Elements
from 230 users
The tropical zombies of Dead Island are back with new comic-book style visuals, fresh gameplay features, and a mind-bending story. In this surreal survival-mystery title you play as Cliff Calo, an adventurer who sets out to discover the origins of the zombie outbreak. It started on Banoi, the infected island off the coast of Papua New Guinea. As Calo unravels the mystery behind the occurrence (and kills 85 million zombies), things get very strange on Banoi, stranger even than a zombie outbreak. As the weirdness piles up, reality itself starts to bend, and Calo is plagued by Deja vu and madness. Trapped in a nightmare, Calo fights to determine what is real, what is a dream, and whether he is sane or mad.

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Had high hopes....
I was really looking forward for another awesome Dead Island game. I was REALLY disappointed... I have DI 1 and DI Riptide. But this... I would NOT buy this. I know the comic book style was intended for a uniqueness but No. gameplay was not captivating, story was OK but its easily forshadowed in the beginning. i had a total of 30mins put in and i had to stop... Sorry guys i wanted to give this a good review but i just cant..
joseg619 (member since 2014)
reviewed on 11/20/14
17 agree
Brainless and crash proned flop of the series..
Take Dead Island and gut everything that makes it fun which includes the crafting and the Diablo 2 style loot system.. Then replace the gritty realisic graphics with borderlands series graphics.. Yank out the leveling system and the skills system too... Remake it to be a stutter and crash proned wreck and the result is Escape Dead Island... What were they thinking??? I like the loot system from the earlier games... Good luck trying to get a grip on what is real in the story is, because they like to shift it around a lot.. The game crashed on me and I didn't bother playing any further.. Deep Silver needs to step up quality control!! NO LOOT, NO CRAFTING, NO EXPERIENCE LEVELS, NO SKILLS, and ALMOST NO STABILITY IN THE CUT SCENES OR EVEN IN THE GAME... Try before you buy!!! BUYER BEWARE!!! Games like this are the reason we have Gamefly!
greg137 (member since 2010)
reviewed on 12/22/14
8 agree
Not what I expected
I'm just disappointed
jesrazz (member since 2012)
reviewed on 11/21/14
8 agree
this game was OK to play alot of stealth kills, blood, and weapons. Don't sleep on this game.
kingbeefy (member since 2012)
reviewed on 11/30/14
5 agree
escape dead island
On its own this was an interesting game, but it shouldn't have been called a dead island game. Yes there are zombies, but the mechanics are nothing like the first two. Yes its about the bonoi outbreak, but there is no weapon building no real strategy needed. This is not a sandbox world, however in its own way it is creative. If you want a different type of zombie game this one is a decent option. Just don't expect what you got in the past with the sister title of dead island
aleolus (member since 2014)
reviewed on 11/30/14
4 agree
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
First the good: In the original Dead Island franchise, the game was 1st person. This installment is a a 3rd person title, which makes that the only GREAT thing about Escape Dead Island. The control lay out is pretty simple to use. When you sneak up behind Zombies, they ready themselves for a stealth kill. Making it the easiest way to kill. <br /> <br />The Bad: In the original Dead Island you had to find and build really cool weapons. Not in Escape Dead Island, there's no Weapons upgrade or character upgrades. It's just a straight up mouse chase all over the maze. Running is difficult because character runs out of energy so fast. There's no sense in killing Zombies, they drop no weapons or health. Shooting is simple but the aiming is horrible. <br /> <br />The Ugly: The graphics are not fitting for a mature game. And the story line is pretty much forgettable. <br /> <br />It's been about 9 hours of actual playing time and the story is pretty much creep and SLASH your way. I'm half way through the game. I'll probably finish it, nonetheless I don't see replay value. <br /> <br />Shame because if they simply added character upgrades and unique weapons early on in game would have made it interesting. <br />
Chessfu (member since 2005)
reviewed on 11/25/14
4 agree
Zombie Garbage
Horrible gameplay, horrible voice acting, horrible execution overall. This game belongs in the trash.
DragonDan2453 (member since 2012)
reviewed on 2/27/15
6 agree
what happened
Now it looks like a comic book graphics what happened to the graphics on dead island 1 and 2
terondd (member since 2014)
reviewed on 1/25/15
3 agree
quite surprised....
That most people have been ragging on this game soo much in the blogs, the mags and just from the general gaming community.. this game is meant to be a SUPPLEMENT to the series of DEAD ISLAND.. In NO WAY, is this meant to be a stand alone adjunct to the two Dead Island games that are out there. (Dead ISLAND 2 is coming next year). With all that being said, I am actually enjoying the game. It offers minimum difficulty and can be finished within 5-7 hours. But individuals like myself, like to take their time with their experiences. So, myself, am going slow taking pictures, getting tapes, and files and post cards.. these all will flesh out the story line. Some of the zombies will kill you within one or two slashes and that gets frustrating. But once you know their behaviors you can bypass the death scenes rather quick.. The thing that I like about this game is the cel shaded appearance, and also trophies pop on this just about every 15-30 minutes. So you feel like you are getting rewarded for just playing the game.. They are like "no brainer "achievements. I do think the water graphics are kinda nice, and some of the island views at the top of the Geopharm area are kinda nice to look at for a cel shaded game.. I am so glad that I didnt just bypass this game because of what I heard, because you would have thought that this was the worst game of 2014, and it is by far from that.. I'm glad that I get a chance to rent it, and have the option to drop it and leave it or encompass it into another one of my gaming experiences... I will do the latter, because it is not that bad of a game.. it will grow on you, trust me, if you are brave enough to let it do so..
guillaume_71 (member since 2013)
reviewed on 11/25/14
5 agree
good enough to finish
One play through is enough. It keeps you entertained even with the repetitiveness of it. The story is a bit out there and so I enjoyed the trip.
christastic4444 (member since 2013)
reviewed on 3/29/15
2 agree

Game Details

Players1PublisherDeep SilverRatingMature 17+

Specs & Requirements

Memory6 MBControllersDualShock 3 ControllerModesStory, Full Mission Single-PlayerAudio/VideoSurround Sound, In-Game Dolby Digital, HDTV 480p, HDTV 720pOnline FeaturesTrophies

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