Family Guy - Video Game!

Family Guy - Video Game!

Released 10/16/06
Genre : Action Adventure
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ESRB Rated M: Mature 17+
Content Descriptors
  • Mature Humor
  • Partial Nudity
  • Violence
Interactive Elements
No Interactive Elements
from 1288 users
Here's your chance to be part of one of TV's funniest families. Experience all the humor of Family Guy in this game based on the TV show. It's voiced and scripted by members of the show's creative team. Be ready for combat, stealth, and puzzle-solving challenges in three intersecting storylines. Stewie and his half-brother/arch nemesis Bertram vie to take over the world. Peter tries to stop Mr. Belvedere from doing the same. Brian must escape from prison and prove his innocence in a puppy parental case. Along the way, you'll be part of the over-the-top jokes, pop culture parodies, and random, out-of-nowhere moments Family Guy is known for. Freakin' Sweet!

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Purely for the fans...
I am definitely a Family Guy fan when I have the remote in hand, not so much with my XBOX controller. It wasn't horrible, and it was an accurate send up in re to its irreverent humor and adventures, but its not for the lukewarm watcher (really too adult for the kiddies too). It has some fun moments, and its certainly got some laughs, but you're going to be slipping it right back in the mailbox soon after giving it a whirl. If they cut out half of the "sneaking" missions I think they'd have had a much better title, but alas. If you're a fan of the show, you'll definitely get a laugh, but as a game it really needed some more time in the oven.
morgan72 (member since 2006)
reviewed on 2/25/07
19 agree
Rent if you are a family guy fan.
im only about half way through the game right now. and i love it, but really only because its a family guy game. so you get to be peter, brian and stewie. as stewie (at least so far) you spend most of the time inside peter trying to get to the testicles, ill let you find out why. as brian, you get to sneak around like a stealthy brian ninja dog thing...but yeah. and as peter, you go around beating the...well you know what out of people. oh,you know all of the flashbacks thing in the show? well in the game they are interactive, my favorite one so far is stewies sexy so back to the review. ok the reason i didnt give this game a 9 or 10, is bacause the gameplay is not very diffent going from one level to another, like i said, brian= sneaking around...peter=beating up people...stewie=shooting things inside of peter....and thats about it, but again, if you love family guy, rent this game, so there you have it, family guy, 8 out of 10...this calls for a sexy party!
LambOfGod (member since 2006)
reviewed on 10/29/06
32 agree
attention family guy fans!!
This game captures the same humor as the episodes and is very entertaining with all the characters you play also definetily a family guy fan must have.<br>
superguy1 (member since 2006)
reviewed on 10/16/06
24 agree
Short but Friggen' Sweet
The game follows the TV Show very well. I am also impressed about how they got all the voices from the actual actors for all the characters. The games three story lines are all challenging enough that you don't just breeze through on the first try. It is definitely worth the rent just so you get to see the story line, But the game's not long enough for a purchase. There isn't a whole lot of replay value either unless it suddenly becomes your favorite episode of family guy.
Macrosax (member since 2006)
reviewed on 10/22/06
13 agree
family guy for the xbox
Family Guy is a pretty good game ,(as far as based on TV shows go). It has all the characters and original voices. In the game you play 3 of the characters, Peter,Stewy,and Brian. Each of the characters plays differently. Peter's part play like a side scroll beat-em up. When you play as Peter, in his role he gets a blow on the head and he thinks Mr. Belvedere stole his family and he goes around beating up the elderly,children, and adults trying to find him. The controls are a bit weird here, but o.k. Stewy plays like a platformer and 3rd person shooter. In this part Stewy tries to defeat his sperm brother Burthrum. Stewy's is not good, it sometimes doesn't even work when you have more than one enemy. The platforming parts are good, even though the camera does screw up once and a while. Brian is a stealth game, in this segment Brian is accused of inpregnating Mr. Putersmitz dog, so he has to find the real father of the puppies. The controls are really great, my only complaint is that when you get spotted you have to start all over again. Just like the TV show the game has cut-a-ways, But in the game there interactive like a minigame. The graphics are good, they have a shell shaded look like the TV show. The really bummer in this game is that you can beat it really fast and there's no real replay value. Overall Family Guy the video game is for the fans,you will get some laughs.
bobbyh15 (member since 2004)
reviewed on 11/5/06
9 agree
If you like Family Guy you will like this game.
The main characters are Peter (Fighter) Stewie (Shooter) Brian (Stealth) The side games are simple and silly but fun and funny. One side game, Peter explains that they couldn't afford anymore side game so if you just press any button and you yeeeah, I guess you have to play the game to see the humor. Peter's final fight is between his human sized chicken nemesis...great fun. I have not played this type of game in years. I am more of a Splinter Cell, Halo, GTA type of gamer but this game was a breath of fresh air and has encouraged me to play more of these types of games. I recommend this game whole heartedly to everyone, especially Family Guy fans. Don't always go by the Game Fly rating. If it looks fun check it out.
Ou81218 (member since 2006)
reviewed on 3/24/07
5 agree
Family Guy for XBOX - A Let Down
Like almost everyone else that played this game, I rented it thinking it was as good as the show, and ended up wasting my time playing what seemed to be a poorly designed game meant to frustrate a kindergartner. The storylines are the same for each character, which is too repetitive for my taste. Within playing 3 levels, I was bored and ready to turn it back in. To sum it up, this game is HORRIBLE!!!!! The makers of Family Guy should be ashamed that they let XBOX mutilate what should have been a good game.
kikstand (member since 2007)
reviewed on 3/12/07
6 agree
Only if you LOVE Family guy
This game reaks of bad design. The controls are repetitious and stingy and sometimes completely guessed at! The look is reminiscent of the stand up Simpson's game with it's characters sort of moving oblivious to their surroundings instead of being part of them. The mini games are Horribly contrived and you are often times thrust into them with no clear idea of how or even what you're supposed to be doing. I've lost most and won some only to stare at the screen with my "...OK... What was that" look on my face. Very very bad. BUT, for those of us who love Peter, Lois, Meg, Brian, Chris and Stewie this game... works. You will find it mostly amusing and usually funny if at times gross. The game has cut scenes (just like in the show) and once you glean the basics of each character the game becomes a sort of trial and error based stint. All and all I give this game high ratings for what it is (poorly made) but only because I am a Griffin at heart. Otherwise P U.
NALUxRIDER (member since 2006)
reviewed on 5/1/07
3 agree
JDADDY518 (member since 2006)
reviewed on 12/15/06
3 agree
Rent...if you want
I played it for 2 hours and was bored out of my mind. Sure it was funny, but I was playing a game not watching the TV show
MrChaos (member since 2006)
reviewed on 12/27/06
2 agree

Game Details

Players1Publisher2KRatingMature 17+

Specs & Requirements

Xbox 360 CompatibleYesAudio/VideoIn-Game Dolby DigitalModesStory, Full Mission Single-Player, Mini-Games

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