Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Genre : Action Adventure
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This time, everything is at stake. Voldemort is amassing an army to march against all wizard-kind, and Dumbledore, Harry, and the Order of the Phoenix will do everything they can to stop it! Help Harry as he learns the secrets of the Horcruxes and Voldemort's heartbreaking past. Watch as You-Know-Who is led down the path of evil and becomes the monster we know him to be. Work alongside Dumbledore to become the man the wizarding world needs Harry to be. Or, step away from the story to battle with your friends in Wand Duels! Become a Seeker as you chase a golden snitch through a variety of landscapes. And become a potions master in Potion Creation, an all-new minigame!
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User Ratings (92)
User Reviews (5)
I played this game for about thirty minutes and returned it immediately. It loosely follows the movie, but the cut scenes pretend you haven't watched the movie and do not apply to game play. Lots of "look for stuff" and boring mini-games. I never got past the first Potions class.
(member since 2008)
reviewed on 3/8/10
Scavenger hunt with some mandatory quiditch.
You spend most of your time in this game searching for and trading with NPCs for potion ingredients/lost items. The other half of your time is spent playing mini games, including quiditch. Sometimes you are forced to win a quiditch game before the story will move on. Most of the time you can get directions to the people or items you need to find. Sometimes you just have to search the whole castle and talk to everyone you meet before the directions will appear in your rememberall. Overall I think it was fairly entertaining, even though it seemed to fast forward past some scenes and add some that I don't remember.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 7/10/09
This Game sucks!!!!!!!!!!
When I got this game, i started to play it & the First 5 minutes I got o bored the only thing i wanted to is go kill everyone who made the game. everything about it SUCKED their gramma's nutsack. The graphics SUCKED. The Gameplay SUCKED. And I wouldn't even give it a one it dosnt even deserve -100. BOO!!!!!!!
(member since 2009)
reviewed on 10/29/09
Harry Potter, not what I expected
I have played this game on my Xbox and it was great. <br /><br />I was really fooled into thinking that the psp game would be similar to the Xbox game. HA! This game is terrible and I would rather just through it away then play for another second. I learn from my mistakes and will always read reviews or look at game-play videos before spending hard earned money on a game that just sucks.
(member since 2009)
reviewed on 7/28/11
I found this game VERY entertaining.... It had good graphics great quidditch and much more that was good! I give this game a 10/10...Anyway I found sometype of glitch that if you go to the castle and talk to Ron and then go into the woods that you get some type of maximum health or something like that.....Anyway....GREAT GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(member since 2008)
reviewed on 7/27/09