Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
Genre : Racing
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A-list DJs, smokin' models, and sick rides team up for one hot driving experience in Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights. Tune your car and get ready to becoming the king of drift. Wow the crowd as you soak up the atmosphere of the drift-racing scene at famous landmarks around the globe, complete with flashy lights and flashier DJs. Race and collect the hottest rides, with hundreds of real parts and tens of thousands of possible custom combinations. Take on real-life stars of the drift circuit, develop your own Driver DNA, download friends' DNA to your crew, and much more.
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User Ratings (145)
User Reviews (4)
Get the ice ready for the blisters.
I have had this game for one weekend and I'm addicted to the JUICE. I've got like 4 cars and have lost 3 pink slips. A total of 7 cars and the possibility of many more. The drifting part of the game is fun once you get a hand of it. The races in the first two leagues are pretty easy but get harder the farther you get in the game. Pretty much the point of this review is rent it.<br>
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 10/15/07
Juiced 2 is a solid street racer on the PSP
The Good: Superb graphics and audio, great sense of speed, lots of events to play, and ways to pimp out your ride, fun multi player<br><br>The Bad: Irritating tuneup system, gets old after awhile, there are hot chicks in the game but are confined to decals and posters<br><br>The PSP is over saturated with racers and Juiced 2 pushes itself to the top of the list. While it doesn't do anything new it just gives us fast fun game play that we all crave. The only thing different here is the DNA system where you are ranked by how you drive in different categories. You can have wild, cool, or sane DNA depending on your driving. You can also place bets on other drivers to see who will make it to the top of the race. You can also sp00k other drivers by driving behind them for a few seconds and it will make this crash. These three elements are new to racing but not really ground breaking. You have all you're typical street racing stuff here such as drift races, circuits, eliminators, time laps etc. The game has a pretty deep customization setup but the tuneup system is a bit weird. Instead of picking your parts and buying them you have to have a certain "set" of parts for certain leagues in career mode so you qualify. To get a new set of parts you have to unlock it by doing a special event and beating it. I found this both neat and irritating since it can take forever just to upgrade your car. The graphics are superb and so is the audio here. The sense of speed is great so no worries there. Other than that Juiced 2 is a solid racer on the PSP and shouldn't be passed up.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 7/7/08
Pretty good for a handheld
I been waiting for a good racing game since need for speed most wanted. Although this is not close its still pretty fun. High speed racing yet arcade where no damage takes places and you pretty much bounce off barriers but the scheme and different racing options to get to the next level makes up for it. If you are good in racing games between betting and coming in first it pretty easy to get alot of money. Be wary on pinkslip races because the A.I. is better than normal races but if you lose your car, you can buy another and win your old car back. lol if happened to me once on my first pinkslip. Overall its decent but not great.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 10/15/07
Better graphics, but game play flawed
I like the graphics, the car choices and the details better than in the first Juiced.<br>I was upset in how, after racing the same driver several times, that when it came time to race for pinks, they suddenly got a lot better, and cars suddenly became quicker.<br>The career mode is much better in the first Juiced as well.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 5/12/08