Genre Shooter
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This epic first-person shooter features role-playing elements and a sweeping, sci-fi story. Set in 2032, Prey puts you inside Talos I, a space station in orbit around the moon. Disaster strikes when aliens called Typhon attack the ship. One of the few people left alive, you must survive against the alien assault and prevent the aliens from reaching Earth. Prey's combat combines high-tech weapons with cybernetic enhancements that give you special powers. Along with shooting aliens, you'll be able to create explosive proximity traps, use kinetic blasts, camouflage yourself as an object, employ telekinetic powers, and more. You'll need every weapon and trick to defeat the Typhon. Some of the aliens can mimic everyday objects, so any item might be a Typhon in disguise, waiting to pounce!
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User Reviews (73)
Great sci-fi shooter
The twists and turns the game brings you through are enough to impose on the most seasoned players, the scrounge grind is strong, and the graphics beautiful.
Playing an RPG that's different with familiar mechanics was a treat! The gameplay makes sense, the gloo gun is so cleverly useful, and players are reward for creativity.
Great game!
(member since 2015)
reviewed on 8/4/17
Good mix of other titles successes
Plenty of other people are bashing this game without giving it an opportunity.
-Load times are too long and at sometimes you have to move between areas frequently so it can be annoying.
-Sometimes enemies can be over powering (even on normal)
-Having to deal with a suit that breaks down and having to repair it becomes annoying.
-Hacking mini game is kind of silly.
-Great story (so far)
-Great graphics and presentation
-The environment definitely makes the game feel creepy and I have yet to feel like a dominator so the tension is always high.
-If you are detailed searcher you will NEVER have an issue with most materials, ammo, and health.
This game is made for the patient gamer who enjoys a game with high immersion and detailed plots.
I recommend the game to anyone who is experienced in RPGs or games like Deus Ex and Dead Space.
Give it a try, its worth it.
(member since 2013)
reviewed on 5/10/17
Game of the year IMO
Well crafted story, and compelling characters (even the long dead npcs corpses). The game play is very varied letting you complete things multiple different ways, with lots of new and interesting game mechanics to boot. Lots of replayability with the interesting moral choices . Only gripe with this one is the load times...just brutal 2 min load times every area change. Still definitely worthwhile though. The only link to the original IP is aliens, so if the first one put you off for any reason, don't let that stop you.
(member since 2013)
reviewed on 1/15/18
Challenging game. Impatient players stay away.
A great challenging game (on the hardest setting). So many skills to unlock an places to explore. I felt it was a great solid game. If you're into Sci-fi horror you'll enjoy it.
(member since 2016)
reviewed on 1/9/18
Awesome Game! Wish it had a Coop!
The beginning of the game is kinda tough but get into it and loot everything. The comparison to Deus Ex is kinda true for the game play part but the mechanics are fun. The game has much more then that one tho. The loot and building system on this game are amazing and always makes me explore every inch of the place I'm in. Has a really nice suspenseful story and keeps you drawn in. Everywhere you go it honestly feels like someone lived there nothing feels out of place. Try it. Awesome Game.
(member since 2015)
reviewed on 6/6/17
Among one of the best games I've ever played
This game is absolutely incredible- very similar to dishonored and other games by Bethesda. Both intellectually challenging and fun. I also love how they tried to maintain a sense of scientific plausibility even with a concept that is inherently hard to believe.
(member since 2015)
reviewed on 6/4/17
The Thinking Shooter
Prey is both the same and different from the many games that came before it. Instead of giving you guns to fight aliens the first few hours were amazing because of slow and very tense encounters. Strange enemies like the shapeshifting mimics change how you approach situations. You don't fight by having big guns but by getting the jump on enemies before they get the jump on you. I love how this game makes you think through every encounter beforehand. "Do I want to use my shotgun or should I conserve ammo and find another way?" The different approaches this game offers makes it a very unique experience if you're a fan of games like Bioshock, System Shock, Deus Ex, etc. If you want to be a big bad space marine turn around now but if you want to explore and experiment with interesting powers in a smart survival horror game than this is for you.
Be warned it takes a while before you get guns and longer before you get the interesting powers but they are more than worth it.
(member since 2012)
reviewed on 5/12/17
Challenging and Fun
The game tells you right from the start (if you stop and read the tutorials) that you won't be able to go head on into most battles until after you upgrade your character, but once you do you're a master of death dealing. The game also tells you that there is more then 1 way through each locked door or area (again if you read the tutorials that pop up you will know that) so know you don't have to find every key or password. Example there are hidden paths, you can hack if you have upgraded or use brute force to get through the obstacle if you've upgraded enough. You can also take the time to find the right key or password, it's your choice! You're on an open world space station and can't immediately access every location and fight every battle until you upgrade and choose to come back to that area, think metroid. People giving this game bad ratings in my opinion either don't pay attention to the tutorials or they're just not up to the challenge of a game that requires you to use your brain and read and make wise decisions. Graphics are slightly above par and I've read that the Xbox one is the only system not suffering from the game ending bug. Sound is really creepy and helps set the mood. Mimics hide as any normal object and you can study them and gain their powers through a scope that's reminiscent of bioshock's camera with alot more options. Over all give the game a try and go in with an open mind and ready for a challenge.
(member since 2011)
reviewed on 5/12/17
its really fun game
but theres certain things that made give it a 9 one cause there multiple endings thats really strange another some side missions are hard to solve with out youtube but over rall it was a very fun game worth a rent maybe buy i enjoyed it so much and loved plan on maybe buying this game soon the typhoon powers is up to you but i used the alien powers i thought they were cool and awesome had so much fun with this game
(member since 2017)
reviewed on 7/21/17
what game are you guys playing!
Definitely give this game a chance. It's for the patient gamer. Takes good amount to get your skills up! Then its mimic domination!
(member since 2015)
reviewed on 5/8/17
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