SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2

Released 11/8/06
Genre : Shooter
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ESRB Rated T: Teen
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  • Drug Reference
  • Violence
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The fight for freedom never ends. Neither does your ability to carry it out. The battle goes portable with SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 for PSP. Command an elite combat force in 14 non-linear missions. Complete objectives to earn Command Equity and purchase items, air strikes, and supply drops. Your Local Influence rating opens access to intel from locals and black market weapons. More action awaits thanks to crosstalk capability with SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault for PS2. Built with help from the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command, this is as close as you'll get to being a Navy SEAL without actually showing up for boot camp.

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This is the best online PSP game EVER!!!
Socom FTB2 has the best online play and it can get addicting. The way that you can join clans and have clan wars it just the the funnest thing and newest thing for the PSP. The fact that you can customize the looks of your character is cool to. Its tells people how rich you are or how creative you are. I am an experienced player of the game and think that many people will get the most fun out of this game.<br><br>-Jonah
Ninja75621 (member since 2007)
reviewed on 3/3/09
2 agree
Having this be my first played socom game my expectations weren't very high, I did however, care about the controls and story(As really all gamers do) along with tutorials(having always been a very important part of a game to me as well). But back to the game play, the game over all is fair, not the best, but pretty good the controls aren't very explanatory making it hard to play the game if your a newcomer to the socom franchise like me and sometimes it feels like a mission to just find your next objective. I'm not saying that it's a bad game but it does have a few problems that aren't very huge. So if your a fan of shooters and stuff like that, buy this game.( I know that I didn't get to multiplayer because I can't get internet on my computer)
D34thNi6ht (member since 2006)
reviewed on 11/23/08
1 agree
Socom 2
The second Socom for the PSP is finally here, and it's better than before. More wepons, upgrades, an improved control system and much better graphics. The AI has also recieved a much needed upgrade to make this possibly the best shooter out for the PSP next to GTA Vice City Stories, which is also an astounding game.<br>The plot isn't very well defined in Socom 2, but everything else is great. It is alot like the old Socom but its been tweaked in a good way.If you liked the old PSP Socom then you'll love this one.<br><br>9/10
gamerator (member since 2005)
reviewed on 12/28/06
1 agree
BEST GAME EVER this was my fav game of all time!!!!!!! <br /><br />I would totally recommend this game!! <br />i love the socom sereis <br /> <br />(except tactical strike) <br />This is in the hall of fame in my book <br />the series should keep on going!!! <br /> <br />So, <br /> i would recommend this game above all others!!!!!!!!! <br /><br />Wii4cody
Wii4cody (member since 2012)
reviewed on 2/7/12
1 agree
these game was probely the best psp game ever besides flat out head on short but good
brainde (member since 2009)
reviewed on 11/14/09
1 agree
Big Improvement
Muy Excellante! This game does it all: fun online, great single-player, and a cool factor that you'll be screaming to your friends about. With new systems like Command Equity and Local Influence, an incentive for doing extra objectives comes into play. Buy new guns and power-ups (like air-strikes) with the points you earn. Online, too, is improved. With more balanced lock-on systems, bigger weapon selection, and character customization, this mode will never get old. In short, it's just a fabulous game that should not be overlooked.
Timmah (member since 2006)
reviewed on 12/3/06
7 agree
The story mode is really fun with 13 missions. The weapons are cool the way you can upgrade them. The graphics are way better than the last one. The best part of this game is the online mode. The online gameplay is smooth, it doesn't lag at all. The best part of it is that you can chat with people. This makes the gameplay much more intense. (I didn't try the online mode for the first socom)
matthew326 (member since 2006)
reviewed on 11/28/06
12 agree
Wow am in pressed sony did a whole bunch of new features like online last time it was all slow but now the online thing is fast better looking. Also u will like the story mode on the game. but just to let u konw if u never played socom u.s navy seals on the psp before' do the training first before u play because the controls can get a little trick so it take u a little while to learn. But if u are a socom fan like me then u enjoy this next socom this game is a must have.<br>Have fun!!!!!
Unkonwn (member since 2006)
reviewed on 11/13/06
9 agree
Great Game with a few glitches....
I couldn't wait to rent SOCOM, so I actually drove down to one of the stores in my area to buy it. I have really enjoyed playing it. It is easy enough to play without too much frustration. Of course, it would make it easier to save as you go along. Strategy is the the name of the game. If you don't have a plan, you're going to die early. Being able to save the game every minute would make it too easy. The one downside of this game however, is when you dispatch Wraith or Bronco etc. to disarm a bomb or a generator, they don't actually touch it. Might be some glitch in the VR environment, when making the game. Overall, a GREAT game!
edinburgh (member since 2007)
reviewed on 2/9/07
2 agree
Great Game
This game is awesome. The graphics, even with the small screen, are excellent. The only problem I have with this game is in some levels, the lighting is a little too dark. I find myself seeking a darker room so that I can see. However, this problem may be with the system, not the game.<br><br>Either way, I love this game. The replay value is good, since you have to collect CE (Command Equity) to requisition new weapons and equipment. While I have not played it on multiplayer, considering this title is from the line that revolutionized online multiplayer gaming, I don't think it'd be disappointing.
lonestar (member since 2007)
reviewed on 1/12/07
2 agree

Game Details

Players16PublisherSony Computer EntertainmentRatingTeen

Specs & Requirements

Memory850 kbModesFull Mission Single-Player, Online Deathmatch, Campaign, Online Team BattleControllersHeadsetWirelessWi-Fi Compatible (Infrastructure), Wi-Fi Compatible (Ad Hoc)Online FeaturesOnline Multiplayer, Teams, Leaderboards

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