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The Evil Within
PlayStation 3

The Evil Within

Released 10/11/14
Genre : Action Adventure
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ESRB Rated M: Mature 17+
Content Descriptors
  • Blood and Gore
  • Intense Violence
  • Strong Language
Interactive Elements
No Interactive Elements
from 578 users
Fans of survival-horror games are in for a terror-filled treat with The Evil Within. This grueling game was directed by Shinji Mikami - the father of survival horror - and features an immersive, highly crafted world full of brutal creatures and fiendish traps. Its intricate story is designed to take you beyond the edges of tension and dread. You play as Sebastian Castellanos, a detective investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder. After witnessing a mysterious force slaughtering his fellow officers, Sebastian is attacked, knocked unconscious, and awakes in a deranged world where hideous creatures wander among the dead. Facing unimaginable terror and fighting for survival, Sebastian embarks on a frightening journey to learn the secrets behind this evil force.

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They got everything right but the story
I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. But it was like baking a cake without sugar. This game has everything going for it except the most important thing which is the story and memorable characters. The characters and the main protagonist are all blander than black coffee. None of them have any emotions or feelings what so ever. They are kind of just there. And the story tries to make sense but it never really goes deep at all. Just barely scratches the surface and you never know why Ruvik is tormenting the main protagonist or wtf is even going on in your environment or why you are there. You could literally take all of the chapters out of order and the game wouldn't feel any different. The ending is also disappointing and obviously sets up for a sequel. Well they are going to need a better story next time around. The game still is very fun, intense and scary despite its downfalls. Rent this game, get a thrill, and move along
jbrizzy (member since 2012)
reviewed on 11/6/14
9 agree
one word
angelenriquez16 (member since 2015)
reviewed on 9/5/15
3 agree
I actually enjoyed this game. It did keep me interested. Although, its nothing I haven't seen before. Think of Resident Evil and Silent Hill combined into one game, and there you go...The Evil Within.
CarolinaGuido (member since 2014)
reviewed on 11/9/14
3 agree
Great game..
If you've ever enjoyed Resident Evil, Alan Wake & Silent Hill, you'll enjoy this.. I'm only on chapter 4, but so far nothing I'd consider scary has happened.. It seems to have the potential to have those "jumpy" moments, but I assume they're farther in game.. Gameplay is great & easy to pick up.. Graphics are nice considering how dark the tone is.. Has stealth & action qualities nicely balanced.. Only thing is the story isn't as interesting as you would want & mostly doesn't make sense.. It's definitely worth a rent though if you like 3rd person survival-action-horror games..
s1Las13 (member since 2013)
reviewed on 10/14/14
3 agree
True Survival Horror
If you like Resident Evil 4-5/Revelations or Dead Space 1-2 then your'e gonna love this Horror title. Honestly I'm experienced in the horror genre so its not very scary for me personally, but it has many of those moments, its challenging, lack of resources, stealth and ammo is scarce. The protagonist has similarities to Leon Kennedy with his calm attitude toward the events around him. The world is ever changing and the plot keeping you on your toes. Enemy AI is unpredictible and so far no QTE which Resident Evil 6 was most disliked for doing so. Runnning / stealth and hiding may be your only option. Co op is non existent. I heavily recommend this title and look forward to a sequel, spin off or adaptaion.
ShadowGhost1991 (member since 2014)
reviewed on 10/16/14
8 agree
Gets worse with every level
I had such hopes when I first rented this game, but as every chapter trudges on it just becomes more and more irritating and disappointing. I IMMENSELY regret renting this game.
Supallcomm (member since 2009)
reviewed on 11/18/14
9 agree
Fell short
I played for about three hours and was so bored I thought I might count cracks in the wall instead. I was hoping this game would have something new and exciting to offer but you can forget that. The same old same old when it comes to horror/ zombie genre even completing the package w/ a terrible story line and forgettable characters I couldn't follow, or really make any rational sense of the storyline. This title fell short when it comes to over all gaming as well w/ stiff movement and very little action choices. Nice try but no cigar.
crazybuds77 (member since 2012)
reviewed on 1/25/15
6 agree
evil within
this was a great story . but the game would not load after chapter 4 i clear all files of the game i reload it 3 times . it still will not load after chapter 4 so i return it .. good luck to all who play this game
kalanimm1 (member since 2015)
reviewed on 1/24/15
4 agree
Worst. Start. EVER.
I'm a man who has played most survival-horror games out there; I genuinely enjoy them! Except for this one. I want to give this game the benefit of the doubt, but after 5 hours, I simply cannot enjoy it. <br /> <br />Here's what killed it for me: the game starts out with a forced-stealth section with an instant-kill enemy. That raised the first red flag for me, but I decided to keep going, and see where the game led. <br /> <br />And.. actually, it does open up a bit in the next few chapters, and becomes an actual survival-horror game. The bits where you have to sneak around and burn enemy corpses are where this game shines: if you don't preserve ammo and if you don't try to keep out of sight, you're going to wind up fighting something difficult with no HP and no ammo. <br /> <br />However, then there is a segment where you fight this monstrous.. thing.. I don't know how to describe it. It's all arms and hair, and pretty disturbing--props to Japanese horror for making something as terrifying as that. However, after I dodged it and expended all of my bullets fighting it, it still hadn't died, and the main character shouted, "Woop, better run!" <br /> <br />That.. is frustrating to me. Don't get me wrong, I found out later that you can backtrack out of the fight IMMEDIATELY, but it still raised another red flag for me. <br /> <br />The third and final one is the un-killable adversary who will randomly pop and one-shot you. Yes, you can dodge him. Yes, you can outrun him. Is he annoying and unnecessary? Yep. <br /> <br />Overall, The Evil Within is a game that is good, but everything it is trying to do has already been done, and been done better. And, in a few cases, been done better previously, by the director of this very game. <br /> <br />I highly recommend everyone try this game out; I did not care for it, at all, but I'm certain some will be able to look past its flaws. For those of you that can, enjoy. For those like myself.. just play RE4 for the eight-hundredth time.
Celor997 (member since 2009)
reviewed on 10/17/14
4 agree
What I at least hoped it would be
Personally I enjoyed this game. I think Mikami did a decent job with making this title and worked with some nice designers who crafted some gruesome looking enemies and environments. Perhaps any creative changes to the survival horror formula were due to Mikami wanting to see how he could modernize the genre, trail-and-error I suppose. <br /> <br />No it's not as good as RE4, but it shared alot of the same qualities that made it good. No it's not some grand masterpiece of horror, but its a nice game with alot of great challenges and intimidating adversaries. <br /> <br />I think not giving into the hype allowed myself for a more fair judgement of the game. I played the game without preexisting judgements, and with alot of mixed reviews, I wasn't sure what to expect. I think if you go into the game with this mindset, you'll be able to enjoy it more for what it is. <br /><br />Overall I was met with nice challenges and grueling designs and set pieces. I had fun blasting putrid monsters, anxiously figuring out ways to overcome situations, being surprised by traps and other things outrageous things the game threw at me. The game does nice to keep things fresh with a steady pace of new obstacles and different strategies/layouts for boss battles. It also was nice to see the scripted events weren't just cutscenes with QTEs, there was indeed a high risk of failure. It was a fair game and I'd say worth a play.
TaylorTheImpalr (member since 2014)
reviewed on 11/7/14
2 agree

Game Details

Players1PublisherBethesdaRatingMature 17+

Specs & Requirements

Memory7 GBOnline FeaturesTrophiesModesStoryControllersDualShock 3 ControllerAudio/VideoSurround Sound, In-Game Dolby Digital, HDTV 480p, HDTV 720p

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