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TNA Impact!
Xbox 360

TNA Impact!

Released 9/11/08
Genre : Fighting
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ESRB Rated T: Teen
Content Descriptors
  • Alcohol Reference
  • Mild Language
  • Suggestive Themes
  • Violence
Interactive Elements
No Interactive Elements
from 2652 users
Now the action never has to stop as Total Nonstop Action Wrestling comes into your living room with this game based on TNA Impact! Step into TNA's trademark six-sided ring and get ready to experience all the bone-crushing wrestling action seen each week on the popular TV show. Choose your warrior from a roster of more than 20 top TNA stars, including Kurt Angle, A.J. Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels, Rhino, and Christian Cage. But if you'd rather carve out your own legacy, you can create your own wrestler with a custom look and customized moves to match.

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Media (12)

TNA iMPACT! Video Review 1
TNA iMPACT! Video Review 1
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 9
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 9
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 8
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 8
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 7
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 7
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 8
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 8
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 7
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 7
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 1
TNA iMPACT! Gameplay Movie 1
GC 2008: TNA iMPACT! Official Trailer
GC 2008: TNA iMPACT! Official Trailer
TNA iMPACT! Official Movie 5
TNA iMPACT! Official Movie 5
TNA iMPACT! Official Trailer 4
TNA iMPACT! Official Trailer 4

User Ratings (2652)

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User Reviews (121)

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Slow, Tedious Flawed Game
I'll start with the positives. This is, hands down, the best looking wrestling game I've seen. The models look really solid --- the usual problem of "sweaty" looking the same as "plasticky" is a problem I don't think anybody can ever fix --- but the models look a lot like their real-life counterparts.<br><br>That being said, NOTHING else is terribly good.<br><br>You have to create a guy for the story mode --- and you have really limited options. Now, if the list of moves was robust enough, this would be a minor concern, but the list of moves is both unbelievably shallow, have very few moves unlocked, and you can assign very few moves to your character.<br><br>OK, I admit to being a bit negative towards TNA --- but guys not having a lot of moves in their repertoire is NOT a problem for them. When you have Samoa Joe with, maybe, 10 spots, you have a majorly messed up game.<br><br>Even worse, the developers are known to have spent a lot of time motion-capturing thousands of moves --- but then decided to throw most of it out and your guys have similar moves. Kevin Nash, who hasn't left his feet this century, is pulling off missile dropkicks that look IDENTICAL to --- well, everybody else's missile dropkick.<br><br>The story mode has you facing off against random scrubs and TNA name guys. The biggest complaint is that the random scrubs are every inch as difficult as the TNA guys, and the TNA guys are laughably difficult. The computer will reverse 60% of the moves you do, bare minimum. And their timing for moves is nearly inhuman.<br><br>The game, in a nutshell, is bad. Quite bad.
DaMikeSC (member since 2007)
reviewed on 10/4/08
38 agree
A Big Disappointment.
As a TNA Wrestling fan, I had high aspects for this game. Unfortunately, it didn't deliver. The game has great graphics, and the motion capture was great. It also has a pretty good story mode. The bad, well, the lack of moves, short ring entrances, and the gameplay. The opponent never stays down.. no matter how hard you hit them. You also feel like you're always playing as the same character cause of the lack of moves. The CAW is just LAME. You have a minimal selection for your attire. At first glance, I would give this game a 7, but when you think about it, this game was announced in summer of '06, plenty of time to whip up a great game. Has great potential, and I am thrilled to see them with their own game. I just hope Midway delivers for the sequel (if there is one) because this game pales in comparison to the SVR series. For Midway's first wrestling game, it is fair.
Suiton23 (member since 2008)
reviewed on 9/15/08
17 agree
Not a bad first attempt... BUT
I find the controls to be the biggest problem with this decent looking game. They aren't very intuitive at all. Even after about 10 matches, I found myself having a lot of trouble just remembering the basics of the main buttons used.<br><br>The game runs on the Unreal Engine and uses the Havok physics engine so you know it will look good and people will fall down nicely. The animation is good and there are a few moves that surprise you from time to time, but this first TNA game sticks to the basics for the most part. There are a few variations of match type, but nothing nearly as deep as a WWE game.<br><br>And that's probably the biggest drawback here. If you've ever played a WWE game before, you have to feel a bit let down. But there is a foundation here to build on. If TNA keeps building every year, it won't take long for them to make a really great game. They definitely need to work on the control scheme though.<br><br>The biggest plus in this game for me was to be able to play as Sting. Sure, he's 48 years old now, but it just feels so old school to have a match between say, Sting and Scott Steiner. By the way, Sting won.
Droppo (member since 2006)
reviewed on 9/17/08
21 agree
The TNA game is a waste of time
In my opinion this is the worst game in the history of video games. <br />The storyline is good but the controls are horrid, and the fact that you have to unlock everything through story mode to upgrade your charecter was the worst idea in game history. <br />If your thinking about renting this game, do me a favor, Get a hammer and hit yourself with it, trust me it would be a better experience then this game. <br />I hope TNA does better with their next game then they did with this one, although after this one I don't know who would try it. <br /><br />If you create a bad game, I will be your worst Nightmare.
Nightmare2 (member since 2006)
reviewed on 6/17/09
5 agree
TNA iMPACT! has a lot of problems
The good:<br><br>-Graphics<br>-The motion captured moves runs smoothly on gameplay which is good<br><br>The bad, and I mean BAD:<br><br>-Online play = 1 on 1 and 1 on 1 Ultimate X<br>-Online play = NO Created wrestlers<br>-25 wrestlers in game unless you want to buy downloadable content<br>-No tag moves<br>-Entrances stop at the ramp ie: Smackdown 1<br>-only weapon is a chair, which you can use and not get DQed for<br>-No referee<br>-NO TITLES???!?!?!!! why midway, why?<br>Storymode is the same once you placed it the 1st time<br>-You can only use you created wrestler in storymode<br>-Only 1 gimmick match, for TNA thats a shame, TNA is the king of the gimmick match<br>-They advertsed a King of the mountain match and its not in the game<br>- NO Booker T ax kick, No scorpion deathdrop, NO ANKLELOCK, No petey williams yet, no knockouts, and NO TURNBUCKLE MOVES<br>-Wrestlers get up after every move and have no stamina bar<br><br>Oh and by the way, this game has been in development for 2 1/2 years<br><br>DONT BUY THIS GAME because it isnt worth $60<br><br>Its an incomplete game
Jsnwwf (member since 2008)
reviewed on 9/12/08
32 agree
Not worth the wait
I'm not a TNA fan really, but I did hope for the best with the TNA videogame. Unfortunately this game let me down in almost every area.<br><br>Graphically, the game is pretty good. They captured the wrestlers likenesses pretty well for the most part and I thought the motion captured moves were good as well...and that's about it.<br><br>In my opinion, the gameplay is pretty awful. I was hoping they'd approach the control scheme similar to that of the old WCW and WWE games on the N64. WRONG!! I also was annoyed with the fact that after I'd hit a big move, my opponent would hop up immediately as if nothing happened...and I'm talking like hitting a major move from off the top rope. Playing any match where there was more than two players in the ring was irritating to me due to the fact that if I was performing a move on one opponent, another wrestler could walk across the ring and put me in another maneuver while I had someone up in the air for a suplex. I thought adding the Ultimate X was cool, but, again the controls and gameplay turned me off of what could have been the games saving grace. The create a wrestler is a joke, and a bad one at that, and the commentary is downright abysmal.<br><br>All in all, I was quite disappointed in this game as I only held on to it for one day, and please believe I tried to find something about it to make me like it, but I got upset every time I looked at the cover. It has a real arcade-like feel to it, which I could see could be appealing to some gamers, but not me. I know a lot of people have said it's "pretty good" for it's first shot out, but I'm not letting Midway off that easy. In my opinion they could've used and refined the plus factors from the Smackdown vs. Raw games a made a more solid effort, especially considering the length of time they had to put this together. The gameplay completely ruins this title. If you've played Fight Night Round 3 and recently tried out that terrible game Prizefighter, you'll know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!
NineSeven (member since 2008)
reviewed on 9/19/08
4 agree
Really bad...
I hate to regurgitate what a lot of others are saying about this game, but it really is bad enough that I feel like I should say something.<br><br>The Bad:<br><br>1 - Create A Wrestler: This is one of the best things about wrestling games, and something that the WWE games have always done pretty well. When you create a character you feel like it's yours, and your character feels unique. In TNA Impact, you have a very limited selection of moves to choose from, a very limited selection of clothing, and it seemed to me that all of the wrestlers I created looked -old-. This is due to not being able to change the facial features in the game (ie; complexion, age, etc). There is also no height adjustment, so all of your wrestlers are the same in that aspect. You'll never be able to create someone as tall as Kevin Nash, or as small as Rey Mysterio. There is also no preview for the entrances when you are designing your character.<br><br>2 - Gameplay: Every character feels the same when I'm playing. There's no mechanical difference between AJ Styles, Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe. There are cosmetic differences, but they all play exactly the same. Also, many trademark moves are missing from these characters (such as Kurt's Ankle Lock - or if it's there I just can't figure it out).<br><br>3 - Difficulty: Ever played against people who seem to counter everything you throw at them? I was in a match where I had the entire upper half of my opponent's body in the red and suddenly he went on a counter spree, ended up stunning me after a while, drained my Impact! meter and then finished me to end the match. Doesn't happen often, but when it does it makes me want to throw my controller out the window.<br><br>With those complaints out of the way, the game does look good. The moves are motion captured and many of them flow very, very well.<br><br>I don't think that this game, even with the fluid movements, is anywhere in the same arena with Smackdown vs. Raw, however, and I will definitely hold off until '09.
herostyle (member since 2008)
reviewed on 9/16/08
4 agree
Super nintendo quality
All the wrestlers are the same size<br /><br />Story mode is extremely........under developed<br /><br />this game is super nintendo quality.<br /><br />FOR AN INNOVATIVE WRESTLING COMPANY...............................<br /><br />THIS GAME IS NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT INNOVATIVE<br /><br />again...super nintendo quality
WWEFAN1986 (member since 2006)
reviewed on 6/29/09
4 agree
Wrestlings Little Gimmick B4 SVR09
Hey dudes if you really enjoy smackdown vs raw but just hate how the online set up just blows because of non-stop glitching and you just want to try something new, just seriously wait until November for smackdown vs raw 09's release because this is nothing but a let down. For true wrestling gamers listen this is nothing like svr, its more like an arcade game with nothing really fun about it. Settings are hard, really hard and super all madden with the A.I. settings at its max hard. The pin system is whack and if u get hit with a simple clothes line then match is over dude. No CAW online, only one on one matches online, no move sets, everything is pretty much for you child because there is really nothing about this game thats violent. No blood plus the entrances are about ten seconds long and the reversal system is the worst.<br>If you want to just try the game out i strongly recommend you rent or borrow and save your money
jdollar1 (member since 2008)
reviewed on 9/15/08
12 agree
tna impact major dissapointment
1.when you hit someone the yell like it was ther old nfl blitz <br />2.why do you have to unlovck superstars <br />3.why cant you use a tna superstar for story mode <br />4.where are the tna knockouts <br />5.and why was i teamed with showtime eric young
dbarrsnc (member since 2009)
reviewed on 4/22/09
4 agree

Game Details

Players4Online Players 2 PublisherMidwayRatingTeen

Specs & Requirements

Memory10 MBOnline FeaturesOnline Multiplayer, Voice, Friends, Content Download, Quick Match, Leaderboards, Custom Match, Xbox LIVE Family Settings, Ranked Match, Player Match, AchievementsModesVersus, Exhibition, Multiplayer, StoryAudio/VideoIn-Game Dolby Digital, HDTV 720p, HDTV 1080p, HDTV 1080i

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