Genre : Shooter
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In the future, a former black-ops commando named Joseph Turok has joined an elite unit known only as Whiskey Company. Whiskey is tasked with taking down a war criminal named Roland Kane. The Whiskey Company ship is shot down en route to Kane's genetically altered planet. Now, it's up to you to enter the epic story and use Turok's military training to elude Kane's army and massive, bloodthirsty dinosaurs and insects, all intent on having you for dinner. Overwhelm the enemy with firepower or utilize quiet kill techniques with your knife or bow. Face the enemy head-on and grapple with dinosaurs, or make the terrible lizards attack your enemies!
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User Ratings (2311)
User Reviews (99)
A True Review for an overall Good Game
Why is everyone complaining? This is a solid 8.5 game that has no problems with gameplay, visuals, or sound at all. The Graphics are excellent, the sound sets the mood better than most any other game created, and the game plays smooth and fluid.<br><br>I personally love the button control scheme. What is so wrong with a company saying, "Hey, every FPS in the market uses R1 and L1 for the trigger, but why can't we use R2 and L2 instead?" The only difference between Turok's buttons and CoD is the trigger button. If you can't play Turok because R2 and L2 are the trigger then your not a true gamer anyways. Adapt. Turok is a different game than CoD and so should be its control scheme.<br><br>As far as I'm concerned Turok is more original than CoD. CoD is a Standard Warfare game that has you follow a specific route, run here, shoot everybody that runs out, then run there, and repeat cycle. I've never played a single FPS creature/monster game that has the creatures attack both you and the enemy soldiers, its completely original. There is so much more to this game than just run through the level and kill everybody single handed and then advance to the next level. If you find that your heavily outnumbered shoot a flare into an enemy group, then sit back and watch a Raptor tear them to pieces. Then run in and dispatch of the remaining Dinos or Soldiers. This is a Stealth game with James Bond Action areas.<br><br>Another thing I seem to see gamers complain about is the long checkpoint times. Quit Complaining. I'm tired of playing a game that saves every two minutes like CoD for example. If I died in CoD no big deal cause I would restart at the exact area I died. Where's the reason to stay alive in a game if I know I'll just restart from where I died? In Turok your pushed to become a better player or suffer the punishment by having to replay the last 10 minutes of insane action. I love it! If you don't want to restart then don't die.<br><br>This is a must play that is unlike any other title.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 2/6/08
Good game
Whenever I asked someone if they had played Turok, the answer usually sounded something like "The new one? or the good one on N64?" That discouraged me for quite awhile from trying this game. Then I decided, what the heck, put it in the Q and lets see what happens.<br>From the very first set of cut scenes, before any gameplay, there was one thing that made me say, "This game shows some promise." Two words - Ron Perlman. NICE!! I LOVE THAT GUY!! There are few that do better sarcastic humor than Ron. If you don't know who he is, (HOW? WHY?) it's Hellboy, or for you older folks, Beast from the old Beauty and the Beast TV series.<br>Anyway, once you get into the game, the storyline itself is pretty cool, and the gameplay is pretty much like every other shooter on the market. Of course being Turok, there had to be lots of dinos, and I must say, overall they were done pretty well. It would have been nice to see a few more non-lethal ones though, maybe a Triceratops or Stegosaurus in there somewhere, but I guess we can't have it all. Of course there are evil humans trying to get you as well, who bare a striking resemblance to Helghast from Killzone might I add.<br>Overall, the graphics are pretty darn good the AI of the humans is better than I've seen in a lot of nextgen shooters, the dino AI however, not quite as good, you can kill pretty much every raptor with your knife if you time it right.<br>Overall though, I really enjoyed Turok, and by the way, the cast doesn't end with Perlman, Timothy Olyphant, Powers Booth, and lil Donnie Wahlberg join in the fun too. Not too shabby.<br>So don't listen to your friends, give it a rent. You won't regret it. Wow that was a long review.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 3/4/09
Good graphics...good story...but just not the same
I remember playing Turok on the N64 with my buddies back in the day. The weapons were awesome and the dinosaurs as enemies were loads of fun to kill. The new Turok...just doesn't have what the old one used to. The controls are fine and the story is actually pretty decent but it lacks in originality. While the graphics look great they also look a little off...too much shine and glare to everything. The AI is not all that great...seems like you can get just about any enemy to run in circles. The weapons are pretty standard. Nothing new with weapons at all. Sure you got your bow, your knife, shotty...and so on, but that's it. Nothing new...nothing unique...nothing all that fun. I would say this game is at least worth a rent but it just doesn't live up to the standard of its predecessors.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 2/11/08
This Doesn't Work...
I think the coolest things about this game are the way that 2 shoulder buttons can fire the guns in both of your hands and the way you can sneak up on your opponents and use your knife.<br><br>Other than that, one of the fundamental problems with first-person shooters these is the complete lack of peripheral vision and unless you have a game that really uses surround sound and have a decent sound system, you are not really aware of your surroundings.<br><br>That's fine with most first person shooters as targets are usually far enough away for that not be an issue, but in a dinosaur shooter, it just doesn't work. These dinosaurs just encapsulate the whole screen and then you are left in this phase of frantically looking around to see where it went. The fact that you can't see just left, just right, and just down from you means that constantly these things sneak up at you and you don't even realize they are there.<br><br>I have surround sound, but there is very little audible warning that a dinosaur is near until it is too late. One could say it adds challenge, to me it is just annoying because of the fundamental restrictions on vision in video games. This kind of close quarters and hand-to-hand combat just doesn't work well in this game. In some games, like Oblivion it works great, but just not in this, it's too fast and just frustrating.<br><br>Besides that the weapon don't make any sense. A knife and bow does more damage than a machine gun. I can't explain that, and the fighting between non-dinosaur opponents is just run of the mill. Besides that I don't think the graphics are all that spectacular and this type of gameplay doesn't work as a first person shooter.<br><br>
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 2/12/08
Don't waste your time
Please, please don't waste your time by renting or buying this game. The graphics are terrible and the plot line is weak. The enemies, while incredibly stupid, are tough to kill. The weapons are weak and very inaccurate, with the exception of the bow and knife. Knife kills are impressive to watch but are ultimately useless during firefights with more than one enemy- which is usually always the case. The same goes with the bow. While it's incredibly satisfying to watch your enemy squirm while pinned to a wall with an arrow, the reload time is slow and it's tough to hit a moving enemy with one. <br /> Dino's are fun to kill but in the end it's just a way to spice up the boring gameplay. When you aren't getting mauled by them, raptors are easy to kill- unfortunately, most of the time you end up getting mauled to death by them. I haven't even made it up to the first boss yet and I'm ready to break the disk out of pure frustration.<br /><br />So please, for the sake of your sanity, don't rent this game.
(member since 2009)
reviewed on 12/13/09
this game if ok but its just like an other shooter game. the save points r so far apart and u die alot and have to do really hard and frustrating parts over and over again. its worth renting but not worth $60 dollars.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 2/4/08
I have to agree
I got the game 2 days early and I have a 110" 1080p projector with a yamaha 5.1 sound system and this game is perfect. Graphics that blow away gears and lush jungle settings with a jurassic park meets FARCRY theme to the game. = awesome. I have had every TUROK game since N64 and this is the best to date.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 2/5/08
Will the Next One be As Good as the first
Turok is a okay game. The story is turok is trying to kill Kane (bad guy). The are flying to where they think he is and they get hit by a missile sending them crashing to the ground. When the first get a good look at the planet the realize that there are dinosaurs. The story will take a good 10 hours to beat. THe graphics are okay but textures are flat. The gameplay is fun but not like the first game, where you had cool weapons. THe bow is probably the coolest gun in the game in which you can have exploding arrows. Most of the guns have a secondary fire too. This is a rent not a buy. One more thing is the bosses, they are pretty cool. The t-rex is quite cool when you first see it. Overall if you just love manslaughtering dinos then pick this up.
(member since 2008)
reviewed on 10/15/08
Yet Another Game...
being wrongly rated...<br /><br />Turok is not the best game ever nor is it the worst..<br /><br />deserves a 7-7.5....if you want a fps fix,then this will fulfill it.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 9/28/09
Got game 2 days early! AWESOME
Well if you have a 65" TV (1080p) like I do with a Bose surround sound this game is SICK! The controls take a while to get used to but other than that it is a great shooter. The T-rex chasing you in the back ground sounds great on surround sound. The noises and sounds from the environment and dinosaurs sound real. This version is much better than the previous versions. The graphics are amazing as is the levels.<br>This game is right up there with Call of Duty 4.<br>Watch out for the Raptors!
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 2/1/08