Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Genre : Fighting
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Guilty Gear debuts on the Xbox with online tournament support via Xbox Live! It's a battle for humanity in the 22nd Century as the evil biological weapons called "gears" threaten to devastate the planet. Choose from 20 fighters and play in eight modes, including Mission, Story and Gallery. Smash your opponents with inventive attacks and maneuvers like Burst Gauge, Aerial Throw, Dust Attack, Roman Cancel, and Instant Kill. Enjoy the designs of renowned artist Daisuke Ishiwatari and Guilty Gears X2's raging heavy metal soundtrack.
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User Ratings (181)
User Reviews (3)
Button smashers beware
A saving grace after the uninspiring Isuka, the xbox remake of the heavy metal driving Guilty Gear XX for the ps2 is a sight to behold, whether you are playing or not.<br><br>Gameplay: Most important thing is, does it play well? Yes. The system is very well balanced requiring careful attention, anyone who's played against a person or computer on any difficulty other than "beginner" can tell you a button smasher will be countered combo'd and ko'd.<br>First off, the four "face" buttons perform a type of attack, punch kick slash and heavy slash, the directions alter these so you have around 16 basic attacks, most characters having 8 specials 2 supers and 1 instant kill move that's hard to use but can instantly win a fight. 27 moves. Doesn't sound like a lot? Well factor in aerial countering crouching and the "dust combo" system, it stays fresh for a good 45 minutes per character. And you can always pick it up in an hour and it will feel fresh again.<br>The "dust combo" is when you use a dust attack, you launch your opponent into the air, opening him up to a massive air combo.<br><br>Graphics: Beautiful 2d sprites over an eye catching 2d background. It just looks nice. Every attack is fluid, no framerate slowdown, It's just a nice looking game, very vivid.<br><br>Music: The whole game is fleshed out with a heavy metal soundtrack, it compliments the fighting.<br><br>Sound: Everything sounds average, slightly lacking here, all the voice acting is in Japanese.<br>Attacks make a sort of squishing sound, the best part is the narrator yelling at you "COUNTER"<br><br>Final verdict: Very nice fighting game, highly recommended, a perfect gameplay experiance. one thing, online is dead, no players sadly. Heard it was good while it lasted, so if you ever find a match, enjoy. Also it's back compatible.<br>DUEL 1!<br>LET'S ROCK!
(member since 2008)
reviewed on 7/24/08
Guilty Gear X2 # Reload...whatever.
This game was pretty dang awesome. I played it at a friends house the first time. At first I hated it cause it was 2-D and it was hard. Then I got the moves down and I started to really like the smooth 2-d worlds. THe fighting is pretty deep and its fast and furious. Its got a nice sountrack full of explosive heavy metal to get your blood boiling and tons of amazing detailed moves and skills. This game is super cool and I think any one will like it who can do down-forward combos!<br>Otherwise, you will hate it...<br>
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 7/7/06
Beat Down City
Can anyone even beat this game? Even on the easiest setting the AI will smash you into the ground. It's way too hard to be enjoyable.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 12/31/07
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