Hitman: Blood Money
Genre : Action Adventure
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The hits hit harder, the stealthy silence is more deafening, and the experience even more exhilarating as Hitman: Blood Money makes the leap to Xbox 360. When a rival company begins competing for contracts, legendary hitman Agent 47 finds himself in a bidding war of the deadliest kind. Choose your approach: eliminate your targets with precision and stealth or mow down everything - and everyone - in the area. The more evidence you leave, the more likely you'll have to face the consequences. Your notoriety impacts how others react. Hitman: Blood Money offers new assassination techniques, real world locations rendered with never-before-seen detail, a dynamic first/third-person perspective, and more.
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User Reviews (267)
Silence in, silence out. If everything is done right nobody will know you’re there until the body hits the floor.<br><br>Such is the theme of Hitman, you play a genetically enhanced clone Assassin, the best of the best, tasked with the death of bad guys. The perfect anti-hero, the player must find the best way to get in and get out while accomplishing the mission of taking out the target with as little collateral damage and attention as possible.<br><br>An early release for the Xbox 360, graphics are outstanding but not quite as refined as later releases. Controls are very intuitive and easy to get the handle of. Weapon selection ranges from a pistol to a powerful sniper rifle which I haven’t found a use for just yet. Hitman also has quite possibly the best feature in a game of this sort, the ability to switch between 3rd and 1st person without pointing in the wrong direction. Amazing that years before Dead Rising, Eidos released a game which GOT IT RIGHT.<br><br>Another great feature, is the ability to make temporary saves while on a mission. Any full save only saves your progress through the plot tree, but while playing - depending on the difficulty level selected at startup - you can save the game so if something goes wrong, there’s no need to start from scratch. WHAT A CONCEPT!<br><br>Hitman is a great game, dark and bloody enough to satisfy any gamer without reaching the level of comic-book absurdity. Controls, game play, graphics, are all outstanding.<br><br>I can honestly say that this game was completely satisfying after I beat it. As the levels progressed, the challenges became greater, and the puzzles more complex. Overall, this is one of the best 3rd person shooter / strategy games I have ever played and I am personally looking forward to a sequel. It doesn't happen often, finding a game that makes the player feel as if we accomplished something - Hitman: Blood Money is by far one of those games.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 7/12/07
A hit to die for!
Previous installments of Hitman have been varied in quality from stellar to dull. Blood Money is no disappointment by any means, and is in fact a fine addition to the franchise. Firstly the camera issues seem to have been vastly improved, which has been very much needed. The missions are very stealth oriented, some may say tedious. To the uninitiated tedious will come to mind first. But give this games missions some time and thought, and you will find yourself immersed in a world of creative assassinations of some rather dubious folks around the world. There has been some additional weapons to bring along more firepower and or cool and helpful gadgets and upgrades(body armor, silencers, low velocity ammo etc.). Though there are more weapons, I have found that the creative stealthy kills without firearms at all is more satisfying and rewarding. How cool is it to drug a hi level guard, take his suit, and wander about with impunity spiking drinks with sedatives to knock out human obstacles and or poisoning marks only to drop dead while you are half way from your exit. FUN! Yes you may bring your good old silver baller for more gun play, but I rarely pulled a trigger. This is by all means a sneaky cerebral thinking gamers game. You aren't going to be able to run around shooting things up so if that's what you are looking for then stop looking.<br>I have only minor gripes, less than stellar graphics do not impress as they should on next gen consoles. The details are fair, but not nearly as hi end as they could or should be. Controls are fluid and stable making for a very playable game. The story unfolds at a slow pace hinting with each cut scene toward a rather surprising finish, but still and I won't spoil anything, left me going huh? But still cool. There are fair difficulty settings to choose from so even the meek gamer can get some darn good fun on the rookie level however less than challenging that may be. But bump that difficulty up a notch and replay value soars.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 6/10/06
Best of the series, very good all around game
I've played the previous Hitman game and was impressed, and rented this expecting the same game but better. This is exactly what has happened as I expected. The gameplay and graphics are both nearly identical to the previous Hitman, but a little bit better. The missions are all interesting and involve killing usually 1-3 targets. The great thing about Hitman has always been that there are many ways to go about completing each mission. If you want, you can go in and kill everybody to beat it, but that's not a great approach and will give you a lot of notoriety, which is a new feature for Hitman. If you achieve a high notoriety by creating a stir while conducting your assassinations, you will become infamous and in future missions will be spotted easier and your disguises will be less effective.<br><br>There is a currency system for Hitman now as well, allowing you to purchase upgrades for weapons or lowering your notoriety. The better your performance in a mission the more money you earn.<br><br>Other than that it's pretty much the same thing as the previous Hitman games, which is usually a bad thing but in this case I'd say it's a very good thing.<br><br>Also, given the non-linear gameplay Hitman has a lot of replay value. You can try different disguises, different approaches and so forth. It's not really a short game either, at least the first time through. Once you know exactly what to do, each mission takes probably 10-15 minutes. Even if you read a walkthrough though the first time around will take some time. I'd guess I spent 15-20 hours beating it my first time.<br><br>Overall if you like the previous Hitman installments you will love this one.<br>
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 12/8/07
A real Step Up
This game, from what I have gathered from it so far, Is amazing. The camera, which was a hassle for everyone in past games, is much improved. There is much more detail in the games, a wider selection of weapons, and there are so many ways to kill, which we all know is what we want. What makes your day better than sneaking up on someone and choking them with a wire?<br><br>As far as the "Smoothness" factor, I thought the gameplay handled nicely, real smooth, easy to learn controls, and the FPS shooting is actually very nicely done.<br><br>I havent finished this game yet, but from what I have seen, this is definately one of the best, complimented by one of the best systems of all time! I highly encourage you to at least rent this game.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 5/31/06
Great Game
I played this game once before when it first came out, I wasn't impressed. 3 years later, I decided to give it another try. Absolutely loved it. Granted, having waited 3 years, graphics were hard to get used to. But game play and story are very riveting. I won't give anything away, but the ending played in very nice. Missions are all with the same basic concept, but the story adds twists and challenges. Replayability is very high with this as there are 4 modes, all with unique achievements. Overall 10, 9 with the graphics and physics glitches (but who really cares about that, right?).
(member since 2009)
reviewed on 5/8/09
Mr. 47
First of all, I never really got into a Hitman game before, I had tried one or two, but never owned or rented one and played all the way through. Overall, I was very impressed with the game, especially since the game came out in 2006 and I played it in 2009, the graphics were still pretty good and the freedom to beat every mission so many different ways adds re-playability and strategic planning to the game. At times, it may get frustrating, but in that case, look up some walkthroughs on google or you tube if you are having trouble with a mission, which I did since I was unfamiliar with the game play and found myself confused on what to do with the third mission, but after you get the hang of it the game becomes really fun and really interesting especially with a pretty decent story line for a game that makes you do some repetitive things at times, but still remains fun since you have options in how to assassinate your targets each mission.<br><br>So the bottom line is, try Hitman: Blood Money, it is a great game to rent and could probably be found for cheap if you would rather buy it, but definitely worth a try if you haven't played a Hitman game yet, like I hadn't, and if you have played Hitman before, you would definitely enjoy this one, but I'm sure you already have. Very good game.
(member since 2009)
reviewed on 3/16/09
This game is great... Sneak or Blast.
I love the controls of Hitman 1st 3rd switch, and I love that you can be total stealth or get board and blast the bad guys.<br><br>This game is very dark It has a sick twisted plot that I could do without, but I understand that it is a dark subject.
(member since 2008)
reviewed on 9/5/08
Great strategy game, or shoot-em-up game
This game may seem hard at first, until you figure which path you wish to take. You can play it as a super-sleuth/spy game as Splinter Cell'ish, or you can play it as kill-em all Doom shooter. This game was an absolute great thrill. I prefer the sneak around, duck and hide, be patient, and strike when necessary type of game (like Splinter Cell), and this game was fantastic.<br><br>There are a lot of great weapons here, but for me, the Silverballers were the only weapon of choice, as I liked to don different disguises, trick the locals, and kill them by poison, tampering with machinery, and many many other "accidental" occurrences. Make sure to hide the bodies, or you won't get a Silent Assassin rating. But again, YOU MUST HAVE PATIENCE. Learn the guards moves and routes, learn about your surroundings, and adapt to them to accomplish each mission.<br><br>The levels were fantastically crafted, giving you multiple ways to accomplish your mission. There are many guides online to help you out, or you can do trial and error, as you can save at any point in the game (depending on what difficulty you choose).<br><br>If you have the patience, and excitement about killing a target in a special way, then absolutely get this game. I highly recommend it.<br><br>No 10 rating = No online multi-player, but other than that, it's a must-get game.
(member since 2002)
reviewed on 2/25/09
Wanna live a life of a HITMAN!!
Kill with impunity and not have to fear doing LIFE without the possibility of parole with TYRONE. No seriously this is definitely a RPG that all who are into RPG's must play. Hours will same like minutes. This game will I'm sure if you were hooked up to a bloodpressue cuff would at times read 180/150 at least!!
(member since 2008)
reviewed on 1/15/09
hitman bloodmoney
great game enjoyed the first fiew levels, but after that the game starts to be way to complicated even on the easiest levels. to much health is taken from your guy and you cant even tell your being shot unless you look at your health bar which in some cases it can be too late (aka. dead). the game should also explain weather your target is above you or in some cases below you on the easier levels. otherwise the game was fair but i wouldnt reccomend it to people who arent good with strategie type games. thanks (XBOX 360 RULES)
(member since 2011)
reviewed on 8/13/11
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