Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis
Genre : Sports
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When Rockstar sets its sights on the sport of table tennis, we're not talking about knocking a ball back and forth with some dudes in your basement. We're talking about the intense, smash-filled, blink-and-you'll-miss-it world of top-flight international table tennis. You know, the matches where the players stand way behind the table firing rockets at impossible angles. Authentic physics bring the game to life with incredible speed and fluid control. Choose from 11 players, each with unique game, and compete in 19 different environments. Master an array of shots and techniques, including power shots, heavy spin, and precision accuracy. Refer to it as ping pong at your own risk.
Media (8)

Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis PAX 2007!

Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis Video Review

Rockstar Presents Table Tennis Gameplay Movie 6

Rockstar Presents Table Tennis Gameplay Movie 5

Rockstar Presents Table Tennis Gameplay Movie 4

Rockstar Presents Table Tennis Gameplay Movie 3

Table Tennis Gameplay Movie 2

Table Tennis Gameplay Movie 1
User Ratings (3378)
User Reviews (158)
Not the greatest, still top of the line
You've already heard how "weird" it is to play a Rockstar game without making someone bleed or courting women for extra health. So I'm going to put that aside and pretend this is made by a no-name company. Even with this strech of the imagination, it's still very obvious that this is a very polished, very addicting, very user friendly game.<br><br>It's Ping Pong and it is as complicated and simple as you would think. It's kind of hard to get in deep about ping pong but I'll try.<br><br>The controls are very easy to learn and master. You can use the X, A, B, Y buttons to hit the ball or move the right joystick in directions to hit the ball. It's basically the Fight Night mechanics, only you don't punch people in the face. Instead, you hit a ping pong, your opponent hits it back, and an ongoing battle of wits ensues.<br><br>Rockstar made it fun to play against opponents. Skill is a major factor, but luck also comes into play fairly often. There are counter moves to try and stear the ping pong ball off course and get you a point. Basically, if a player hits a backhand at you, you follow up with a backhand. It's simple and color coded so it's pretty easy to follow the basics.<br><br>The controls are all tight tight TIGHT. It's hard to say when the last time a ping pong game had such tight controls. Possibly PONG but I don't know I never played that game.<br><br>The music is outstanding as most Rockstar games share this boast. It's especially great when you get into an intense back and forth match with an opponent. For instance, I was online (which is amazing and incredibly fun) my opponent and I had a rally of 40+ hits. Back and forth and no end in sight. The court suddenly darkened and a spotlight was shining on us. The music changed to a more intense beat and every hit felt like life or death.<br><br>It's tough to describe in words, but this game does everything right to draw you in to it's fun and not let go. And it's a cheap buy as well.<br><br>Prognosis: Give it a rent and then buy it!
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 5/31/06
Being rockstar's first non "shoot em up" tipe game, it is actually a blast playing it. Once i got the hang of the buttons i couldn't put it down. The characters in the game are some of the most realistic i've seen. You can see their sweat, their facial expressions, and their realistic reflexis. There is no real campaign no real story, but this is an awsome game to play with your freinds online or at home.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 5/24/06
Play Ping Pong err Table Tennis like a Rockstar!
Just got my hands on Rockstar Games: Table Tennis. I jumped right into online play and won my first match! This game rocks! (no pun intended). It features Tournament, Exhibition, and Online play. The Tournament mode is deep. You play through amatuer levels leading up to all-star trying ultimately to dominate the entire circuit. Online play is standard with regular player matches and ranked as well. There are also plenty of extras to unlock from new clothes to secret characters. This game is solid and don't let the fact that it's ping pong keep you away because Rockstar has brought everything cool and fun in the sport and made it even better. Get it now and have a blast!
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 5/25/06
fun but not for long
the game was decent. i had some fun when i first got it, then it was all the same. the game is child's play at any other level besides very hard. u can basically stand in one spot and hold down the topspin button and beat every player until the last tourney. i love ping pong, but this game had absolutely no desire to be fun. i would pass on this game if u have not rented it yet. trust me, u will be bored.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 6/12/06
lipstick on a pig
this game is beauitful. it looks fantastic and the controls are in the vein of easy to learn and hard to master. however the AI above the first tournament doesnt see it that way. it seems you're expected to have it down to a T by the end of the first one. the training helps a little, but for sure not enough. this doesnt stop the game from being fun, and maybe even worth the keep it price, but it makes it more than slightly frustrating.<br><br>the multiplayer is a smashfest which some people might like but im not overly excited about it.<br><br>all in all its fun, but it can make you want to break something every now and then.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 6/5/06
So-So Game
Well after waiting on the mailman to come to my door with this game, and seeing him today i was happy. After sticking the game into my xbox it wasn't the same story. Yeah the game is "so-so", I say this because its a bunch of button mashing, boringness. On the flip side Visuals were great and the game is addicting because for me i wanted the achievement points. I know alot people will like this game because its their style. For me nah, im more of a Madden, Hitman, Halo type of guy. So hey rent it and if on your Q it says short wait, mayb you'll get mine cause im shippin it back tomorrow.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 6/19/06
Addictive multiplayer but reppetative singleplayer
I thought the game was great. A fresh new type of game for the 360. Great gameplay, graphics, sound, and controls.<br>The single player was good and a lot of things to unlock was addictive at first but got very old after a while. Playing against a friend or over Xbox Live is probably the best thing about this game.<br>The could have been better with a Create A Player mode. Overall I give this a seven. Great multiplayer but there could have more single player fetures.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 7/27/06
Rockstar's First Next-Gen Game!!!
Story- Table Tennis Sport<br><br>Graphics- Great! They Look Amazing! Mostly because How the players look... (Rating 9.0)<br><br>Gameplay- Its Simple! If you have played a tennis game ever then it should be a simple walk in the park... (Rating 7.0)<br><br>Overall Review- 8.0<br>Not rockstar's Best, But Its Not Their Worst!!!
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 6/5/06
Frustration on a whole new level
I really like this game. The controls are very simple and easy to learn and the graphics are excellent. The online play is also very good and lag free most of the time. It's also the only table tennis game on the market.<br><br>The reason I gave it a five is because of the A.I. It's very strange sometimes. If you are doing the medium circuit and are fairly good at the game, it's way too easy for the first 4 matches. Then, suddenly, the game gets a mind of its own and it completely kills you. Randomly on some matches the A.I. takes steroids and it becomes a demonic ping pong machine.<br><br>Matches like these, to say the least, are extremely frustrating and near impossible if you aren't some sort of expert at the game. Several times I wanted to snap the disc in half. Anyway, I would reccomend you get this. It's the only table tennis game for the 360 and it's great if you can ignore the frustrating A.I.
(member since 2004)
reviewed on 6/17/06
Most Addictive Game I've Played In Years!
This game is very addictive and entertaining, even though the overall game itself is pretty simple. It doesn't take very long to get the gist of the gameplay, but as you progress, you'll start to see the different types of shots and volleys that are thrown at you. I played this game for 4 or 5 hours when I first got it, and I can't wait to get home to play again. The only addition to this game, in my opinion, that would complete this title would be some sort of character creation/career mode to enhance your desire to play this game over, and over, and over again. Overall, I give this game a 9, and if it had the career mode, maybe I would give it a 10. I LOVE THIS GAME!!
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 5/26/06
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