JAWS: Ultimate Predator

JAWS: Ultimate Predator

Released 12/6/11
Genre : Action Adventure
Also On Nintendo 3DS
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ESRB Rated T: Teen
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  • Blood
  • Violence
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from 175 users
Become one of Earth's most feared predators in this game that turns you into an unstoppable eating machine! The legendary great white returns in JAWS: Ultimate Predator. Play as the giant shark and unleash terror from the deep, protecting your territory from humans and sea creatures unlucky enough to swim (or boat) into range. Hunt your prey with instincts fine-tuned over thousands of years and strike with 20 different shark-attack combos. Explore real-life environments from Hawaii to the Great Barrier Reef to Amity Island. Face the deadliest creatures of the deep in boss battles with tiger sharks, sea serpents, and more in the ultimate struggle for underwater supremacy.

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Doesn’t have the bite it should have
This game says that Jaws is the ultimate predator, but I think a few dinosaurs will want to contest that statement. In any case, this game is your usual button mashing fighting game – except instead of playing as a human, you play as the iconic great white shark known as Jaws. <br />Through 19 levels, your task is mostly made up of battling other fish, humans, submarines, and some really big water creatures. You do so by mashing the A and B buttons for the bite and tail attack. You can also wave the Wiimote and hold the A button down for a more frenzied attack that does more damage. <br />And if you’re lucky, you can sneak up to a target and take it out with a single attack. <br />These attacks (and your health) can be improved by finding turtles, rays, or squids hidden throughout each level. And you can lock on to a target; this makes the fighting a bit less confusing. <br />But the game doesn’t do much with the basics. You will fight roughly the same type of enemies with the same type of attacks. The game tries to put in some variety by including points where you have to ram some objects, but it’s hard to tell where you are supposed to hit that object. <br />Another problem this game has is the controls take some time to get used to – its far too easy to get stuck against a corner or wall while trying to find the hidden objects or fight off the enemies. <br />There are points where you have to wave the Wiimote/Nunchuck in a certain direction. These segments can get annoying as the game has trouble picking up the motions of the controls. <br />And the story really doesn’t have much bite to it – you’re just there to chow down on anything that gets in your way (as you go from point A to point B). The game goes for about four to five hours, and the ending doesn’t do the game justice. <br />Jaws: Ultimate Predator is a fun game to play with the simple style of button mashing action, but those looking for a more meaningful game will be disappointed. RENT IT.
JMichaud (member since 2008)
reviewed on 1/22/12
9 agree
this game should have been for the super nintendo the graphics are ok but the gameplay is repetive once you have played the first level that is pretty much the whole game. watch the video for the game and that is all there is to this game do not waste your time playing it when there are better games to be played or things to do
wcgbraves (member since 2007)
reviewed on 12/13/11
9 agree
jaws ultimate predator
its fun but the bosses are way too easy.
swiftnightstar (member since 2011)
reviewed on 11/20/12
1 agree
Horrible Terrible don't buy or rent this
The game is horribly terrible lousy controls, lousy AI, stupid mission completion before you can venture into the open water. Its not like Jaws Unleashed on the PS2 where you can venture into the open water chomp on who you ever want. I wouldn't even buy this game. Why would a company release a game like this they should have their head examined or fired.
mdfredparanorm (member since 2012)
reviewed on 10/2/12
0 agree
I expected more
I beat this game in a couple of hours. The levels are all repetative and there is no reason to purchase upgrades or improve upon your attacks because they are all essentially the same. This game was a huge dissapointment.
tankvet (member since 2012)
reviewed on 8/28/12
0 agree
note good at all
short story mode bad gameplay dum replayibilety
poorflick (member since 2011)
reviewed on 5/4/12
5 agree

Game Details


Specs & Requirements

ModesFull Mission Single-PlayerControllersNunchuk Controller

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