Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
PlayStation 3

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Released 8/16/10
Genre : Shooter
Also On Xbox 360
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ESRB Rated M: Mature 17+
Content Descriptors
  • Blood
  • Drug Reference
  • Intense Violence
  • Partial Nudity
  • Strong Language
Interactive Elements
No Interactive Elements
from 3177 users
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days uses a gritty handheld documentary style that makes the game look like it was shot by cell-phone cameras, personal camcorders, and film crews ducking for cover. The end result is as raw and unnerving as Kane and Lynch themselves. Dog Days finds Lynch, the mercenary, living in Shanghai. When he needs help closing an arms deal, he calls in his old partner Kane - and everything goes horribly wrong. This time, play as the psychopath Kane as the duo tries to survive the Shanghai underworld. With every criminal in the city out for blood, the tension is constant and the experience is designed to be shockingly real.

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DonHey's Review
--NO SPOILERS-- <br /> <br />At first, I was skeptical. A fan of Kane &amp; Lynch: Dead Men, I was worried that the sequel would not live up to the hype. However, after playing the game, it in fact does. Though, it is not as great as I hoped it would be. <br /> <br />Kane &amp; Lynch 2: Dog Days is set in Shanghai, China, which, as we've seen several times before, can be a great setting for a video game, if done right. While I praise Dog Days for its depiction of and the grittiness of the city, I am most displeased with the new visual effects. The blurred, distorted appearance gives you a headache, and it is a real pain to control the character, especially when running. <br /> <br />Another negative is the combat. Yes, the weapons and fighting control are decent, but it is all very unrealistic. I shot a guy in the foot with a pistol from a very far distance and it killed him. One shot to the foot! <br /> <br />A positive is the story. While I do not want to spoil anything for anybody, I can say that there are some pretty cool twists and turns throughout the game. However, playing with a buddy makes it a LOT funner. <br /> <br />I did not get to taste multiplayer as much as I would have like to have, but I was satisfied with what I was able to see/play. It was interesting enough. <br /> <br />Overall, I'd recommend renting Dog Days for sure, and possibly even buying it. <br /> <br />Combat: 5 <br />Story: 8 <br />Controls: 6 <br />Multiplayer: 8 <br />OVERALL: 7
DonHey (member since 2008)
reviewed on 8/16/10
47 agree
Dog Days Review
In Kane &amp; Lynch 2, Lynch, living in Shanghai, calls on his old partner, Kane, to help him close an arms deal. However, a simple job goes terribly wrong and Kane and Lynch must to go down a road of death, violence, and torture with a body count that goes into the hundreds. In fact, half way through the game you’ll probably wonder where are all these guys coming from? Looking at style, game play, and the multi-player I find this game to be above average. <br /> <br />If you don’t like the style, there’s no reason to get this game. It’s done in a gritty shaking cam style that blurs out nudity and heavy violence, like head shots. At first, I found it to be annoying, but over time I found the value in the style, especially the blurred violence. Some things are better left to the imagination because our minds can scare us more than any image on a T.V., and that’s the case here. If you like brutal, raw violence then you should give this game a try. <br /> <br />The game play brings nothing new. It’s your traditional co-op, duck and cover, shoot them up game. I find there are two strategies to the game. One, go guns blazing and waste everything in your path which is more suitable for the easier difficulties or work with your partner and flank the enemies which is only necessary on harder difficulties. The play style gets repetitive quick, but luckily the game is short. You can probably beat it in one afternoon. <br /> <br />Other than the co-op play, there are three other multi-player game types, regular heist, undercover cop which one person plays an undercover cop on a heist, and cops and robbers where you switch between cops and robbers during three heists. The cool thing about these games is you can stab the other players in the back and take all the loot for yourself which gives it that every criminal for himself feel. <br /> <br />Overall, I give this game 6 out of 10 because without the style there’s no reason to get the game. My suggestion is to rent the game, beat it, and return it the next day.
JosephS (member since 2010)
reviewed on 8/23/10
9 agree
WELL, first off, the game is way toooo short, beat story mode on hard in 2 sittings, about 3 hours, other than that game is alright, graphics are different, but pretty good, story was short but good, gameplay was above average, online was above average, overall i wouldnt buy the game.
ironcity46 (member since 2010)
reviewed on 8/20/10
5 agree
Not enough change of pace
All you do in this game is basic duck and cover gameplay mechanics. no gernades, no melee, and a horrible aiming system. the story is boring and clique.
syko2022 (member since 2010)
reviewed on 8/18/10
17 agree
Good for about 4 hours
What starts off as a fun shoot em-up game quickly becomes too hard, too frustrating, and WAY too repetitive. You essentially do the exact same thing over and over. A group of bad guys enter the room. They hide, shoot an you, and you shoot back. Kill them all, move to next room. Repeat process. Trust me, not as fun as it sounds.<br /><br />The aiming leaves much to be desired too. Many times I've had my sights set right on a bad guy, yet I'll manage to shoot everything except the bad guy. There are multiple weapons that all essentially do the same thing; shotgun, machine gun, hand gun.<br /><br />Just like Kane &amp; Lynch 1, the game is simply too hard (and I had it on easy mode). There are times when you will simply be overwhelmed by bad guys, getting shot at in all directions, and running back for cover usually doesn't help. A lot of the game is trial and error (in terms of knowing when and where bad guys are going to pop up).<br /><br />I don't recommend renting or Gamefly-ing this game. If a friend has it, then borrow it and play it, but don't spend a dime on this game that will have you pulling hair out of your head after a couple hours. This is the first game I've ever rented from Gamefly just to have it sent back the next day. The game developers are headed in the right direction with the game, but they have a long ways to go before making this a respectable series.
Super1617 (member since 2010)
reviewed on 8/27/10
12 agree
1sts are usually better for other reasons than this.<br /><br />Game plays like an arcade game with little to no strategy than just shooting your way through with a terrible camera angle that looks like an amateur is holding it and following you around like you're on Real World...only it looks more like home footage than even Real World.<br /><br />The terrible camera ruins it all and earns my first "1" score of games I have rented. This is soooo horrible most indy games are better. I would have rather wasted 2 hours of my life chopping onions and crying like a little girl than attempting to play this piece of shiate.
JFBIII (member since 2010)
reviewed on 10/22/10
6 agree
Kane and Lynch: Ow,..my eyes. and MP awesome.
I just finished Kane and Lynch: Dog Days in about 10-12 hours (i played on extreme diff.) and was overall pleased with this 3rd person action romp. All the mechanics are there; but the new "gritty shaky COPS camera" camera angle is a great idea but can conflict with game play at times. ( plus it just plain bothered my eyes.) <br /> I didn't really get a feel of a NEW with this game in comparison to the original. It felt like same old game, new setting and film grain camera. But if you enjoyed the first game like i did, then pick it up.<br /><br /> Online multilayer is VERY satisfying! There's nothing better than a MP game mode where you get to screw over your fellow thieves, or even infiltrate them as an Undercover Cop. Grab the loot, get the escape van and pay the driver 50/50 of your grab to drive off and leave the other players in the dust. (my fave) In my opinion the MP is worth the rent alone.
N2s810 (member since 2008)
reviewed on 8/22/10
3 agree
M = Mature! Not this fascist censorship BS!
I would like to point out this game has a M (Mature) rating - I want to see the gory dismembered head shots, the nudity, and not this visual blocked out censorship. Call me a spoiled American - I have no reason to tolerate this Danish (IO Interactive) or Japanese (Square Enix) blackout. I am disappointed in not only this but the chunky cover &amp; aim system - seen much better in other games.
Dravinist (member since 2008)
reviewed on 8/19/10
10 agree
i was so excited for this game but i was extremely disapointed. the graphics you cant even see half the time. the weapons are horrible the best shotgun takes 3 shot at close range. the online is annoying in "fragile alliance" and "undercover cop" every one kills each other the game is a failure i suggest you DONT rent it.
noooooo (member since 2009)
reviewed on 8/21/10
7 agree
Kane and Lynch OK but Nothing Special
The game is decent, a good rental. The whole hand held camera ie Blair Witch Project really, really didn't work for me!! I hated the concept for a video game but then again I hated the concept for films. I find it gives all movies and now video games a cheesy, cheap and unfinished quality. Game play was OK but certainly nothing special unless the camera thing greases your chorizo! No more than a 6!!
rapini (member since 2009)
reviewed on 8/18/10
9 agree

Game Details

Players2Online Players 12 PublisherEidosRatingMature 17+

Specs & Requirements

Memory1.58 GBAudio/VideoIn-Game Dolby Digital, HDTV 480p, HDTV 720pOnline FeaturesTrophies, Online Co-op, Leaderboards, PS Network Compatible, Online Multiplayer, Voice, Content DownloadControllersDualShock 3 Controller, HeadsetModesMultiPlayer Co-Op, Story, Arcade

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