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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
PlayStation 3

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Released 5/21/12
Genre : Shooter
Also On Xbox 360
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ESRB Rated M: Mature 17+
Content Descriptors
  • Blood
  • Intense Violence
  • Strong Language
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NOTE: Rental of this title does not include the Uplay Passport required by Ubisoft for access to some online features and game modes. The single-use code is included with purchase and is also available for purchase separately via PSN or Xbox LIVE for $9.99. A 2-day trial is available via your PSN ID or your Xbox LIVE gamertag while renting this title.

Join an ultra-elite four-man strike team and tip the global balance of power without anyone knowing you entered the battlefield in this Ghost Recon experience shaped by real-life military events. Whether you're slipping into enemy strongholds to extract hostages or carrying out impossible strikes against high-value targets, precision, strategy, and teamwork are key each mission. Use beyond-cutting-edge technology that allows you to gain a critical advantage. See through walls with thermal cameras and X-ray scopes. Cloak yourself in optical camouflage and move unseen in broad daylight. Gather intel, mark targets, synchronize strikes, and more. The new Gunsmith feature lets you select each mission's perfect weapon from 20 million(!) possible configurations.

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Great Game....but some bugs
Overview <br />=================== <br />This is a great blend of shooting, stealth, and tactical gaming. I enjoyed this game as much as any in recent memory. Since it is designed for tactical gameplay you will die if you don't stay in cover and use the high tech gear. The game is definitely not easy and the 12 campaign missions took me about 10 or so hours to complete on veteran (middle difficulty). <br /> <br />I played guerrila mode and it is definitely challenging and much better with friends than going alone. You will die.... <br /> <br />The problem right now is the multiplayer. I bought the game so I've got the online pass. Unfortunately the community of gamers is already small and there are plenty of bugs. Things like taking for ever to deploy, shooting people who don't die, and even my PS3 hard freezing. <br /> <br />So I'd say rent for now and maybe purchase once they clear out the bugs. I think the game will have a dedicated, but relatively small community. Which is a shame because this game is every bit as good as COD (and I'm a fan, not hater of that series). <br /> <br />Pros <br />=============== <br />1) nice graphics (few texture & framerate issues) <br />2) good controls/camera as far as 3rd person goes <br />3) exhilarating gameplay (always on edge) <br />4) the gunsmith system is kind of neat (lot of custom) <br /> <br />Cons <br />=============== <br />1) really my only complaint is that the game has some bugs in the campaign (NPG getting stuck where you have to regroup) & multiplayer seems very buggy at the moment.
chuck74 (member since 2009)
reviewed on 6/3/12
20 agree
Long Awaited Refreshment
I have not played the full game yet, but I have done my research and have played the beta and I have plenty to say about this game just from that knowledge. <br /> <br />Ghost Recon Future Soldier, first off has an AMAZING weapon customization system. With no doubt, the best yet. You can alter grips, stocks, magazines, barrles, underbarells, sights, and more. No game has ever given that much accessibility to a weapon. And there must be nearly a hundred different things to put on your weapon across those parts. And the graphic detail of the weapon is outstanding. Not to mention, there is a character appearance customization system along with that, and probably very good in itself. <br /> <br />The graphics overall, like most games these days, are fantastic and up to par with any other shooter out there. Sound effects are also excellent. <br /> <br />The game, as you probably know, features a campaign, coop, and multiplayer. I believe the coop is playing the campaign with others. From what I've seen, the campaign is awesome. With all those fancy gadgets that emphasize "Ghost" and "Recon", theres a ton of neat moments to be had. The multiplayer from what I've seen and played is fantastic. Very fluid play, good maps, interesting game modes, and it takes about 2 to 4 shots usually to kill someone. And 1 or 2 with a sniper. <br /> <br />In game, you can switch your shoulder view left and right so you can tactfully come around corners and be able to see. You can crouch, prone, and stand. Online, if you stay still with any class, your cloak will activate and you'll become mostly invisible, however if you move or shoot, the cloak will be disabled. I believe you can upgrade the ability for the Recon/Sniper class. So thanks to that, and the contents of the maps, stealth can play a major role in the game, as well as caution. <br /> <br />Ghost Recon is extremely refreshing and makes a great, long awaited alternative to COD. I personally can't wait to get my hands on the full game. See ya Future Soldiers out there!
OscarQ (member since 2008)
reviewed on 5/21/12
27 agree
Not as good as I thought, but solid
Seeing this at E3 last year, it looked amazing and like it could be one of the best games this year...but no. It's ghost recon though, and like the last 2 games, it's really cool. There is a lot of sneaking around in the game, but action sequences as well. I also used the 3d which adds a nice element, nothing crazy though. I really enjoyed this game. It's also like a split 3rd person/1st person when you shoot. The online was ok, renting it, you max out at level 5, which took about 20 minutes haha but still cool to try it out, anyway I recommend this game to anyone who wants a good shooter.
jsmooth2010 (member since 2011)
reviewed on 6/5/12
8 agree
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - A Gamers Review
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is 3rd person shooter that lays down groundwork for future games set in the future. It's based on Russian Military rumors centered around one group of GHOSTS bringing the whole plan down. <br /> <br />Gameplay - Future Soldier, at times, tends to feel like 2010's yearly hit, Splinter Cell Conviction. It is superbly paced with a solid story and an interesting control system. <br /> <br />Presentation - GHOSTS fill the Ubisoft world with camouflaged invisible gear and stealthy weapons. Your team's objective is to go in, extract every person of interest, interrogate, and finally abolish the big Russian plan. <br /> <br />The Verdict - With good stealthy gameplay and original graphics Ghost Recon: Future Soldier just barely saves itself from the terrible frame rate. I give Ghost Recon: Future Soldier 8.5/10.
cheeko2222 (member since 2011)
reviewed on 5/24/12
9 agree
Great Expectations but fell short!!
I will make this plain and easy to understand as possible! <br /> <br />Pros: 1. Gun customization. No doubt the weapon customization is the best part of this game. Being able to switch loadouts for every situation is definitely a plus and something other gaming franchises need to serious consider in future shooters. <br />2. Character tech. The tech being used by the soldiers showing off the advances military grade suits and other stealth tech was amazing. <br />3. Coordinated assaults. Being able to coordinate take downs from various angles and locations was really nice in the campaign mode and for the gamer with patience that enjoy stealth it gives everything you might want. <br /> <br />And that is where the pros end! <br /> <br />Con:1. Incredibly repetitive. Every level of the campaign ends the same way, with a big battle between 4 U.S spec ops soldiers against 50 and a big boss to take down! After the first couple of times it begins to feel a little silly and like I was playing an arcade game! <br />2. With a few glitches added in like not being able to even see the guy shooting a rpg at you from atop a building, I must say I cut the campaign short and switched to multiplayer. <br />3. Multiplayer. Huge disappointment! the maps were so small and the weapon aiming was difficult to say the least. I am more of a Battlefield kind of guy over COD. This game was very much like COD in the map size and feel of the mutiplayer minus the dropping of care packages. It was very much run and gun without any real strategy to even be attempted. Since the respawn points are pretty much set, it is very easy to just sit on the other teams respawn point and light'em up! <br /> <br />Final thoughts: <br />I really pushed to give this game a 5! with a couple tweaks I could have maybe given a 6 but nothing beyond that! <br />It had very high hopes and set lofty goals but didn't even come close to living up! It at best is a rental, but even then I didn't finish the game or even care about my rank on multiplayer and returned it after a day and a
gait79 (member since 2010)
reviewed on 6/28/12
8 agree
Got the game in the mail. Super stoked to play it. Got through the first few missions, feeling pretty good at this point. After the first few missions, I found myself saying REALLY. Why is this mission the same as the last one and the one before it? What happened to current games? Back in the day we had games like Conflict: Global Terror. Very basic game with awesome gameplay. Now we have games that try way to hard to be the best and come up way short. Ghost Recon has come a long way since the first two but at what cost? Gameplay has been reformed to be scripted but we now have weapons customization. Why? I like random crazy stuff to happen when I'm playing. Isn't that the whole point? To make me feel like I'm in another world? The game made me feel like I was watching a movie. If I took a left turn...there was an invisible wall keeping me from going any father away. Put something there. Make it feel like a game that I can brag about. Give me something memorable. Not this $60 worth of stuff. Being a gamer for nearly 15 years, one can see the change in gameplay style and what the great games are. Starcraft series, Battlezone series, Baldur's Gate series, Champions Return to Arms, Command and Conquer series, Roller coaster Tycoon series. All the games before 2003 where games we are still playing TODAY but why is it that developers keep making games like this.
whatup5656 (member since 2010)
reviewed on 8/18/12
6 agree
COD Fanboys, Keep Hating....
First off this is a good game dispite the fact that some COD fanboys are giving it a bad rep. For those few that are complaining about the graphics, I suggest that you consider upgrading to a high quality HDTV, because this game looks great on my 50 inch plasma. This game takes players around the globe, from stealthfully infiltrating deep behind enemy lines in various 3rd world countries to rescue VIPs to an all out assault in Moscow, Russia. All in an attempt to avenge the deaths of another ghost team. The multiplayer aspect is also great, only a run & gun COD player would dislike the online, but if using tactical teamwork to take down the enemy and complete objectives is your thing, this game is definitly for you. The thing I like most about this game is the gunsmith, which no other shooter has come close to matching the amount of attachments or the different combinations that can be assembled. Weapons can be modified to match any and every combat situation from CQB, to medium and long range engagments. A_P owns.... Get sum!!!!
Socom_Vet (member since 2012)
reviewed on 5/28/12
4 agree
Out of the shadows? You are a shadow
Ghost Recon is one of my favorite gaming experiences since the first on the original xbox. I loved the stealth, the ability too coordinate and destroy the enemy. I also loved the freedom of movement the first games allowed, something GRFS is severely lacking. <br /> <br />The campaign was enjoyable but linear in most parts with waypoints guiding you by the hands. I hate that IMO. Developers as of late are either getting lazy, or are afraid they will not sell for bug bucks if they make things too difficult. As a first generation gamer, this is no good for me. I played my first playthrough by myself on the hardest difficulty and found out how cheap the game could get from enemies glued right on you even though all three of your squad mates are in front you shooting at the bad guys to getting shot behind solid cover. A cheap way too make a game "difficult" which on hardest difficulty, was not that hard at all. Not having matchmaking for coop campaign either is a real bummer. Not all of my friends bought this game and that is all you have a choice for too invite. Unacceptable. <br /> <br />What makes GRFS a real gem is the MP and Weapon Customization. Online PvP play is a lot of fun and a great challenge when pitted against clans who PTFO. The modes stand out against anything that has been released in the last couple of years and will keep GRFS going strong for a long time. <br /> <br />The voice acting was superb, the graphics are good, and gameplay is smooth. I personally play GR for the campaign, and not being too play with randoms on it is no good. The MP however will keep me happy for a while. I have mixed feelings about the bugs, they really don't hinder your experience at all, but are very noticeable. <br /> <br />All in all, GRFS is a solid game. The future tech and gadgets are a blast too experiment with and having the ability too customize weapons and load outs changes your game experience multiple ways and gives you variety. The ending confused me, so we will see about any "future" installments.
UkManiak (member since 2010)
reviewed on 5/25/12
4 agree
broken annoying. Enjoy long cut scenes! Cant SKIP!
I am going to make this short and sweet. This review goes for both Ghost Recon and Max Payne 3. Unlike all the paid reviews on here that cloud judgement of the everyday player. There is no way this game should have got a rating of 7 or higher. <br /> <br />The game is broken in several ways. Games these days need to flow like Gears, Mass Effect, COD even. The patience of todays gamers have very little attention spans. The game may have been descent but you lost me on the long scenes. THE CHOICE TO SKIP SCENES BY THE PLAYER SHOULD NEVER BE LEFT OUT. F%$ING ANNOYING GAME. I rarely send back a game unfinished, but add this and Max Payne 3 to the list. Because they both suffer the same glitches.
konotori (member since 2006)
reviewed on 6/16/12
2 agree
I don't usually leave reviews but this game deserves a good review. One of my favorites. 13 missions long so kills a lot of time!
dantheman000 (member since 2012)
reviewed on 5/29/12
9 agree

Game Details

Players2Online Players 12 PublisherUbisoftRatingMature 17+

Specs & Requirements

Memory6.5 GBOnline FeaturesOnline Multiplayer, Voice, Friends, Content Download, Leaderboards, Trophies, Online Co-opModesMultiPlayer Co-Op, Campaign, MultiplayerControllersHeadset, PlayStation Eye, DualShock 3 Controller, PS Move EnabledAudio/VideoSurround Sound, In-Game Dolby Digital, HDTV 480p, HDTV 720p, 3D Compatible

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