Mothergunship was developed by the team behind Tower of Guns, another horrible Roguelite-FPS thing that emphasized movement speed and "shoot 'em up" gameplay styles over anything that would actually be fun or make sense. Where Mothergunship proves to be infinitely worse is in its crafting system, which is one of the most poorly designed in all of gaming. You can construct guns with barrels, connectors, and upgrade parts that you acquire via the in-game shop and it is the most unintuitive process I have seen in years. Everything must be carefully placed as to not obscure other slots, with many connectors being at odd angles or straight up useless in some instances. Dying while any of these parts are equipped means you lose them permanently, the exact opposite mechanic of how a Roguelite game is actually supposed to work. In order to replace any lost parts you are forced to grind out coins in the side missions, which means experiencing the atrocious gameplay firsthand.
Emphasis here is on movement, similar to Doom 2016. Bullets are constantly spammed at you, most of which do excessive amounts of damage in relation to the amount there are. A big bullet that fires slowly knocking off a large chunk of health is one thing, but when flying sawblades clustered in groups of 20 can take you from full health to dead in less than 5 seconds there are serious balance problems. Of course every room is randomly generated, so you're more likely going to depend on luck to give you rooms free of sawblade and landmine enemies if you hope to make any sort of progress. The difficulty spikes are horrifically balanced, quickly scaling from "cardboard box full of puppies" to "Vietnamese POW camp" within 5 rooms. Enemies rarely drop health items, meaning your best bet is to randomly find 20 points of health in a shop, which requires clearing a room of enemies first, something that is rarely viable in the late game stages.
Overall, there is nothing here for anyone. Avoid at all costs.
Vitiated1 (member since 2018)
reviewed on 11/11/18