Odin Sphere
Genre : Action Adventure
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The prophecy states if the fairies of Ringford and the warriors of Ragnanival go to battle, the land of Erion will be destroyed. When Ringford and Ragnanival meet for war, Odin's daughter, Gwendolyn, remembers the prophecy and sets out to make things right in the land. Take control of the warrior princess as you unravel the truth surrounding the prophecy and save your home! Fully-voiced dialogue in this side-scrolling, hand-drawn adventure heightens the drama. Massive bosses offer intense challenge. Create your own attack and recovery items using the cooking and alchemy system.
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User Ratings (1384)
User Reviews (49)
Gorgeous game worth a play
<p>First of all, I have to say that this is, in my opinion, a very pretty game, with game play very much reminiscent of Guardian Heroes on the Sega Saturn (which I loved, once upon a time). The graphics engine is supposed to be reminiscent of a storybook, and pulls it off beautifully. It has simple yet deep game mechanics that make it very approachable, yet always challenging, and, ultimately, addicting. However, as with many RPGs (or games with RPG elements), leveling-up very easily becomes tiresome "busy-work", and, while the map system is novel and fun, it becomes extremely tedious in the leveling-up process. The game has a very clever character upgrade process, but it becomes overly complex for a game that, to me, feels weighted more to its Final Fight roots than its RPG roots. Ultimately, the leveling-up system wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the load times... loading each section of a map is actually pretty quick and unobtrusive during linear game play, but repeat it over and over as you try to get to the store to sell your items(because your inventory maxes out quickly) and it gets very annoying. Getting to the restaurant where you can really level up, takes even longer. All-in-all, it's a terribly fun and addictive game, but, for better or worse, it sucks up hours of time like an insane Hoover.<p><br><br><p>Pros:<br><br>- Gorgeous graphics engine<br><br>- Very fun & approachable game play<br><br>- Old-school "circular" levels are fun!<br><br>- Interesting story<br><br>- Good (and thorough) Japanese and English voice acting (you can select either)<br><br>- Interesting characters<br><br>- Well made<p><br><br><p>Cons:<br><br>- Long and/or frequent loading<br><br>- Somewhat tedious level-up system<br><br>- Controls can feel sluggish at times in brawls<br><br>- Slow-down with a lot of things happening on screen during battles (infrequent)<br><br>- Traversing between particular locales is cumbersome<p>
(member since 2008)
reviewed on 4/8/08
Mesmerized in under 2 minuets
I have played well over a thousand games and beat most of them, I’m a gamer, it’s what I do, heck I design games as a hobby. You’d think I’d seen it all yet, after two minutes I was completely mesmerized, this is the best game I’ve ever played, period, there’s no room for honorable mentions. Odin Sphere blows every thing else out of the sky, water, or where ever you like it. Some one(s) poured there soul into this game. The gorgeous yet anime style graphics of Odin Sphere may give off the feeling of a kiddy game, but astonishingly it’s the polar opposite; it just may be the most finely tuned adult gamming experience of my life. By that I mean it feels like this game is the natural progressions of a life time of playing action/adventure RPGs, it’s stunningly beautiful, yet sophisticated in it’s delivery, it's fun to play, but far from easy and the writing and character design is nothing short of brilliant. Odin Sphere is nothing short of the ultimate Action RPG, if you grew up on games like Alundra, Castlevania and the Mana series, you may cry, it’s that good.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 12/28/07
Near perfection.
Wow. Thats all I can say. This game was perfect on almost every single facet.<br><br>Audio- Amazing musical score, fully voice acted<br><br>Graphics- Retro-ish 2-d sidescrolling, made to look like a storybook. Capable of such intense emotion that I can't even tell you. When the Halja kill people, you just cringe. Not much can make me do that.<br><br>Gameplay- Fun, light beat-em-up style mixed with a cool combination of magic and experience. Easy to learn, hard to master- the way it should be.<br><br>Difficulty- The one flaw of this game is, frankly, at some parts it is too hard. Gwendolyn's last boss fight made me wet myself. Velvet's Armageddon fight made me kill someone. Its brutal. But in the same sense, it's also very rewarding when you finish it.<br><br>Overall: PLAY THIS GAME. DO NOT MISS IT.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 6/21/08
Repetative, yet Rewarding
Odin Sphere is a solid action-RPG release, hearkening back to classics like Valkyrie Profile. It's a beautiful, story-rich, side-scrolling crafting game disguised as a battle between fairies and demons.<br><br>I say it's a crafting game, since a good 50% of your time will be spent crafting food and potions and otherwise managing your inventory. Your character has two channels for character development: weapon level and hitpoint level. Monsters you kill yield phozons, which you can use to level up your weapon or make food. Food is the only way to increase your hitpoint level.<br><br>There are 5 main characters in Odin Sphere with parallel plots. Each character has their own special weapon and different kinds of attacks. Every character moves differently, too: some characters have wings, some fight solely in melee range, and some have special jumps. The stories are compelling and grand, though a little humorless. I appreciate that the characters aren't always the most noble or heroic warriors. It's often the case that a boss you fight within one story becomes the next character you play.<br><br>The major criticism that can be leveled against Odin Sphere is repetition. For 5 characters and 5 story lines, you visit the same areas with the same monsters over and over again. New game mechanics are not introduced in subsequent characters - you learn them all with your first character. However, your characters are different enough that the game remains fresh between the stories.<br><br>The result is that by your second or third character, you know how to control your character and the best way to defeat certain monsters, so the game becomes a kill-and-collect fest, regularly interrupted by stunning art and story. The combat may be a bit too shallow for some. The collection may be too tedious for others. But I appreciate eliminating a screen full of poisonous frogs with my fairy-gun in three seconds flat, and being rewarded with lamb chops and a story of treason, dragons, wizards, and intrigue.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 1/16/08
Wonderfully different
This is a one of the games that the style and quality of the art just add to the enjoyment. It is much different than any of the action RPG's out there and that isn't a bad thing. The game play is fast and fun. The worlds are broken into tree path stages and each level is a circular path that connects to itself. You have a few attacks to choose from but the statagey is really in how you use the world and special moves with each enemy. My only complaint is that the difficulty ramps up fairly quickly.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 5/30/07
Valkyrie Profile 2 Should Have Looked Like This
First off allow me to say this game is extremely beautiful to look at. The visuals alone should make anyone want to rent it,just for the initial ooohing and ahhhing.The story is solid,a little sappy at times, but solid and entertaining. The music is good,gets a little repetitive after a while, especially in the dungeons!That brings me to my one big grip with the whole game...the horrible repitiveness of the dungeons and bosses! You will find yourself fighting through the same areas and kicking the same bosses butt AGAIN and AGAIN! Once is enough!
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 6/22/07
Fairly Square
A game that opens with a cliched death sequence usually spells mediocrity throughout, but i stayed hopeful for this one as i trudged on. Unfortunately little redemption was to be found in this dated and clumsy side-scrolling RPG hybrid.<br><br>On a handheld like the PSP, this game's classic 2D sprite-based graphics, simplistic control scheme, watered down story, and the ability to save at any time would feel right at home. On a big console, however, the game flounders to provide much reason to take a seat and really devote some precious free-time to it.<br><br>In theory, combining classic side-scrolling beat'em up gameplay with RPG elements sounds like a good idea. Unfortunately, the game fails to make particularly compelling use of either genre. Firstly, the control scheme is clunky and unresponsive. The game likes to throw numerous enemies at you at once, but since the game takes place on a flat 2D plane, it's impossible to discern one from the next what with the constant slashing effects and some foreground elements that actually get in the way of the viewing angle. Whoops.<br><br>In an act of reverse genius, the attack button and the guard button are one and the same. Tap the square button to attack, hold it to block. Problem is that in the situation described above, it's impossible to anticipate an enemy attack and throw up your block in time when you're in the middle of a combo yourself. The safest way is to throw a couple of attack and blindly throw up your block. Unfortunately you take damage either way. What's the point?<br><br>The RPG elements are also hardly worth a mention. Character interaction is extremely limited and NPC's are few and far between. There are no stats to allocate, no additional weapons to select from other than your character's default, no armor to gear up in, and only one special item can be equipped at a time.<br><br>Think navigating a flat grid from one flat gamespace to another while killing countless flat enemies can get boring? I can't recommend it.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 5/29/07
This game is awesome as well as frustratingly hard
I love this game and I hate this game, at a certain point the difficulty of this game sharply increases....but once you learn how to play it, it becomes easier....<br>graphics are freakin awesome!!<br>gameplay is simplistic, yet deep in execution..<br>i honestly have never played a game quite like this, but if you like challenging, beautiful games then rent or buy this.<br>THESE ARE THE BEST GRAPHICS YOU WILL SEE ON YOUR PS2...PERIOD!!!
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 7/6/07
Odin Sphere
Hello<br>Odin Sphere, what too say about this game. Well 1st off some may call it a Action Role-Playing, but you really can include the words ROLE PLAYING as the like only element of a ROLE PLAYING Game is like the UPGRADING of your weapon but you don't upgrade it, it's automatic(the game does that 4 you) It could have better graphics considering the PS2 is about all tapped out and on it's last leg. But considering it's only a SIDESCROLLING 2D game it's not that bad, but not for the price of $30, I'd recommend this game only for the Gamers who CRAVE this kind of game. Rent it for a few days, it does grow on you !!<br>
(member since 2004)
reviewed on 6/5/07
Last Gen Game
People often talk about the Next Gen games, games that take advantage of the Next Gen console power. Well this game is distinctly old school. The game play and style of the game are ridiculously uncomplicated. Yet somehow I can never hit the button I ment to and I inadvertently find myself opening the item menu rather then the powers menu. Combat consists of a very unresponsive button smashing combination of between 1 and 4 presses of the square button. In the time Ive played this game I have determined that the only way to get a 4 hit combo is by rapid pressing of the square button, well over 10 times. Frustrating. One attack button, what is this an Atari? Game play is poor in general, with little relationship to attack range, enemy attack patterns, and generally a lack of creative expressions of the 1 to 4 button smash combo. Also load time becomes longer and longer as the game progresses, the PS1 didn't have load times this long. Finally I experienced the first frame rate issues I have ever encountered on my PS2, literally with very few objects on the screen the game begins to lag, yes LAG, the problem they have with MMORPGs somehow found its way to this glorified Super Nintendo game thats playing on my PS2. Did the company just not test this game? The story is utterly uninteresting, disjointed and full of flawed dialog. I could careless about the story, thats a bad element to any RPG especially one thats a flaw as this one is. Presumably the creators of this game figured that the one appealing area of the game, the graphics would push players to play through the muck. I have no intention of playing through any farther, unless you really have nothing better to do I suggest you save yourself the effort and avoid this game.
(member since 2004)
reviewed on 6/25/07
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