Star Wars Battlefront II

Star Wars Battlefront II

Released 11/1/05
Genre : Action Adventure
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ESRB Rated T: Teen
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  • Mild Language
  • Violence
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from 1527 users
The battlefront grows in a galaxy far, far away in Star Wars Battlefront II. The hit multiplayer extravaganza now features epic space combat, new environments from Revenge of the Sith, and playable Jedi heroes. Also new to Battlefront is a single-player story mode that will take you on a grand adventure through the Star Wars galaxy. Battle through 12 new locations alone or with friends, and enlist more online players as you command ships, raid command posts, and sabotage enemy battle-craft. Star Wars Battlefront II is every thing you asked for and more!

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Incredible and immersive Star Wars action
I must say, at first I was somewhat leary of this game ported to the PSP - large environments and first person shooting on this handheld? The draw of Star Wars was too much to resist however, so I plugged it in.<br><br>And I must say it was awesome - both the campaign mode and the challenge mode are worth spending many hours on, and the learning curve is perfect. In campaign mode, you are able to choose which side of the galactic war you are on, and which era you are fighting in - Empire vs. Rebellion or Republic vs. Confederacy. You then start with 1 capital ship and a single planet in a galaxy of around 10 planets, depending on the era, with the goal of (what else) galactic domination. You earn credits for victories over the enemy, both in ground assault and in space combat (which is spectacular), and bonus cash for the number of planets you control. You spend the credits on unlocking each of the ~8 class which are unique to each group or spend them on special bonuses such as making the 'hero' characters available for a single battle, or reinforcing your command posts with automated turrets, etc. This gives great depth and replayability in single player for a game one would expect only multiplayer goodness. The challenge mode is pleasent, giving you 3 different mini campaigns playing special games with (usually) hero characters, and you are scored on your performance (but unfortantately, you have no way to see the 'high scores' board!).<br><br>Now for the ugly - multiplayer implementation! Why must so many PSP developers completely fall on their face when they are faced with internet multiplayer gaming? Like several other PSP games with infastructure play available, the developers did not take the time to allow players to join games already in progress (more or less standard for FPS on PC and other consoles). So end result, you can never find open games online - making this game drop from "excellent" to "very good" for me. Play, enjoy, and return.
Forgen (member since 2005)
reviewed on 4/19/06
21 agree
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Best game ever! If you are a parent and your kids are not aloud to play shooter games. Let them play this game! I think it is ment for kids. I am 11 and I am edicted to this game! If you have this game for the ps2 or xbox get this because it is the same thing except on a smaller system and less planets. Parents if you have kids and they are star wars fans lat them play it. you probably think i am crazy because it mild language but it really does not because I have beaten this hole game and I have not heard one single cuss word. I have had the volume on and one single bad word. <br /><br />SO PARENTS, IF YOU HAVE KIDS AND THEY ARE STAR WARS FANS RENT THEM THIS GAME WAIT NO!!!!! BUY THEM THIS GAME!! THEY WILL THINK YOU ARE THE BEST PARENTS EVER!
5131999 (member since 2009)
reviewed on 1/3/11
3 agree
Grow to like it
I'm a HUge Star Wars fan and battle front fan<br>thats prolly why i bought it on the first day it came out<br><br>That night i went home played it and said<br>"i immediatly regret this desicion" cause theres no right joy stick for the dum PSP stupid SONY PEOPLE.<br><br>But then like a week later i found out theres a auto aim button and it made the game so awesome.<br><br>IF you like battle front get it. if not dont bother
Josh342 (member since 2006)
reviewed on 8/22/06
18 agree
This game is awesome! You may not like it at first, but it will grow on you! So get this game I love it and so will you(results may vary)!
Gamer364 (member since 2006)
reviewed on 7/22/06
10 agree
More good than bad...
From first play, I would rate the game a 9. But, sorry to say, as I played more, the game became disappointing.<p>It is a blast and very fun to play in the star wars world. The use of the heroes for only a limited time is a good feature, as the hero is very effective in combat. Most of the specialized units are fun to play, but only on the appropriate map.<p>I did not have any problem with the controls, I used the advanced settings, but did take a but to get used to, especially when the lock on moves your viewing angle for you in close combat! Keep trying, you'll get the hang of it.<p>I would have to say my favorite map is either the Hoth map or Kashyyyk. Either map had the best variety of game play: all unit types are effective on these maps; ground vehicles, many stationary gun turrets, and on Hoth, snow speeders and AT-ATs! Very fun to play, by far the best of the game.<p>What I desired the most to play was the space combat and strategic portions of the game. It started out fun, but, this is where fell down. Likely, a casualty of porting to PSP.<p>First off, the conquest battles in space are not fun. If you are to win, you must be in the bomber (Y-wing, or Tie Bomber) to effectively destroy the enemy sub-systems and gain points. Your AI is not effective enough to do it. Strangely, the enemy's AI damages your ships effectively and quickly! That's why you can't afford playing around in the attack ships, destroy those sub-systems and you'll win easily. Another disappointment is that the equivalent space units all play the same. And, the space marines are a total waste.<p>The strategic portion, starts fun, but gets tiresome. A big bug to me seemed that the AI never ran out of points to build new fleets, no matter how many it lost or how few planets it controlled. None of the mode variations made much difference.<p>Finally, your character profile is detailed, but too bad you can only seem to view the statistics after a battle!<p>Play the fun parts, skip the rest.
Neroon (member since 2006)
reviewed on 4/12/06
9 agree
Not that great
This game will fulfill your need for Battlefront on the go but it's missing a few controls that would make it more fun, but it's not the games fault it's the PSP that is at fault. Overall it's a decent game but because the controls are awkward it reduces its rating.
Slappy (member since 2005)
reviewed on 8/8/06
5 agree
This game is super awsome. o.k. the games graphics are awsome. Space battles are SO COOL. I love the space ships that you get to fly. Land battles are cool to. YOU must try this game!
abcefghijk (member since 2006)
reviewed on 9/12/06
2 agree
Lost Kitten!
This game was NOT 1 of my favorites,but better than the first.Battlefront games were never one of my closest favorite games.At the beggining of you recieving this and playing ,Battlefront 2 seems awsome and realistic ,but this game does NOT grow on you.soon You'll notice other star wars games are better ,like Lego star wars or star wars Bounty Hunter.Anyway ,don't rent it right away(unless you'r a nerd).Put it at the bottom of your Q.This is a game you should NOT buy and This should be a last thought.<br><br>Ps:The controls STINK!!!:(
slipshod (member since 2007)
reviewed on 2/21/07
6 agree
No No No No NO! this did not port well at all. The controls are just too absurd to get used to, and rendered the game too frustrating to control and keep playing. This game just didn't happen.
Weeble (member since 2005)
reviewed on 4/12/06
18 agree
On it's way to horrible if not already
This game had great graphic but the game play is horrible and the loading time is tiring. I give this a<br><br>D-
shane32 (member since 2006)
reviewed on 7/1/06
10 agree

Game Details


Specs & Requirements

Memory128 kbModesStory, Versus, Deathmatch, Team Battle, Full Mission Single-Player, Survival, Campaign, Challenge, SimulationWirelessWi-Fi Compatible (Ad Hoc)

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