Genre : Action Adventure
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Enter the tempting world of Toyko nightlife in this adventure set in the city's notorious Yakuza entertainment district. A hit in Japan, Yakuza features a dozen detailed chapters created by prominent producer Toshihiro Nagosi and award-winning novelist Seishu Hase. The game's exclusive fighting engine lets you demolish multiple street-brawl foes at once with creative hand-to-hand combos, or mow 'em down with objects you pick up. Explore an authentic re-creation of the Yakuza neighborhood, with all its beckoning neon sprawl in a cinematic storyline. Free-roaming gives you the liberty to take on side missions and, if you want, even take a few swings in the batting cages.
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User Reviews (74)
Yakuza F!!!!!! Fun!!!
I've been reading reviews of this game for a long time and decided to rent it to see if it was as good as it was supposed to be.<br><br>I found it incredible! A perfect 10! Each fight is setup like a fighting game(ie Tekken of VF). The story is intense and the characters are alive!<br><br>Pros:<br>-Great story<br>-Great characters<br>-Lots of mini-games(but not too many like San Andreas and the freakin gym!)<br>-Multiple upgrades keep fight moves fresh and brutal<br>-the city isn't too big(I hardly need the map anymore!)<br><br>Cons:<br>-The language. I played a Demo in Japanese with the swearing $!$! out. I watch a lot of anime and Japanese films so I honesty prefer subtitles, even during cutscenes, to dubbing.<br>-Not enough money(the girls at the hostess bars get expensive and the weapons are expensive for being limited use)<br>-Not long enough. I admit I haven't beat it yet, but I never want it to end!!!<br>-There is no announced sequel or better yet prequel!<br><br>An absolutely incredible game overall, I have not been this wow-ed since God of War!!!
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 9/22/06
Mixed Feelings..
I liked a lot of elements this game when I started playing. As the game progressed my feelings changed. I liked the fighting initially, but found myself trying to avoid fighting as I got deeper into the game. Same goes for the story because I was enjoying it, but the ending flat out was horrible in my opinion. The voice acting was usually ok, but had occasional odd pauses. It is also extreme when it came to swearing in the game. The camera and targeting used in this game were horrible in my opinion. The guns sucked for the most part, and I hated the fact the enemy had infinite ammo. The highest clip a gun had when I had it was 20 bullets, and that was a "special" gun. I believed I'd like to play this game again after I beat it, but truth is I had my fill regardless of the fact it had replay value. My final thought on the game, glad I rented it.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 10/3/06
Has a great feeling too it.
GAMPLAY: U can upgrade your skills and get new moves, u can do special abilities, and u can taunt enemies. But given all those things u can do, it gets pretty old after u fight enemies ALL THE TIME! Literally, the gamplay gets old pretty fast because you just have these random encounters with people on the street that ar so easy to fight that it just gets repetetive after awhile. One of the cool things though is that there are tons of items and weapons to use like chairs or swords that each have their own special attack. There are tons of things to do in the meantime of the game though. I mean cmon, what game do u knwo of that lets you go to hostess bars and flirt with hot girls?<br>STORY: The story is one of the great things about the game. It has a great welcoming feeling too it and the plot points are slowely revealed making u want to keep playing and there are tons of twists to the storyline.<br>GRAPHICS & DESIGN: The graphics are good. Ive see better on the PS2 (even earlier games like 2005) but the graphics suffice at least. The neon lights and signs all look great as well as the lighting and chracter designs. The desin of the game is great too. There are hundreds of things to do other than just the main storyline so Yakuza has some great replay value.<br>Gamplay: 8.9<br>Story:9 9.9<br>Graphics: 7.6<br>Design: 10<br>OVERALL: 9.7/10
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 10/9/06
Not Bad at all
At first I had my doubts about this game but it<br>is a lot better than I thought. It got a great story line and plot. I recommend Yakuza to everyone who likes Shenmue 1 and 2 or Jet Li Rise To Honor. The controls are easy to learn. this game is good to rent.
(member since 2004)
reviewed on 9/23/06
Great Game with a story
When i first started this game i wasn't to imperresed but after the first few fights it got batter. but as the game progressed i foound i was playing it alot more, there are more side missions, its fun to see the the kind of weapons u can use and amounts of damage u can inflict on ur eneamies. it reminded me of jade impire except on PS2. the only downside is that it can get swamwhat repetitve, the bass can get frustrating and there arn't enogh fighting moves
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 9/21/06
Gives The Feel Of Being In Japan
Yakuza is a one of a kind game. What makes it a one of a kind is the story and the way they make the people interact with the player. You can help people out with there problems through the game, or you can just ignore them. The game is an open world but you have to walk or run everywhere. The city is a good size for the game, it's not huge. If you a impatient person you can always take a taxi. The gameplay is pretty fun, there's a lot of fighting. Most of the fighting you get into is on the streets, I wouldn't say it gets repetitive but irritating when your trying to go somewhere and all these gangsters keep wanting to fight. Which brings me to the biggest flaw in the game, the camera angles. In every fight the camera is focused on the player and not the enemies. So the fighting is pretty hard to get used to in the beginning. But the story makes up for it by being deep and totally unpredictable. Yakuza is a must play game.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 9/17/06
Average Gangster Game...no GTA here
Yay!<br>-Interesting story<br>-Brawler aspects similar to Final Fight has its moments.<br>-Somewhat open play world (but within a certain range, smaller than GTA, though).<br>-RPG elements (upgrade fighting)<br><br>Meh...<br>-Random fights that are unavoidable can be tedious (think Final Fantasy or Phantasy Star)<br>-Fighting system is pretty shallow regardless of upgradability<br>-Cutscenes can be a little long and the quality is so-so<br><br>Boo!<br>-No camera control! Can be frustrating...<br>-During fights, it's hard to face the right opponent (leading to be blind-sided)<br>-Reading text is too much...should have had more recorded voiceovers.<br><br>
(member since 2003)
reviewed on 9/14/06
Yakuza was an ok game, just not one I totally enjoyed. Before each fight their was a slight load time and there was too much story and not enough game play for my taste. The fighting and story were great, just not good enough to keep my attention and keep playing this game.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 10/15/06
Fight! Fight Again! now Babysit!
Pros: Excellent graphics<br>An accurate re-creation of real Japanese locations.<br>A complex and involving story.<br>Lost of fighting and action.<br><br>Cons: So much fighting, that it will take you over an hour to complete even the simplest of tasks, almost every street has some random thug waiting to give chase and slow you down with another load time, and fist fight.<br>HORRENDUS voice acting, especially for the little girl you end up babysitting half way through the game. The VA seems tacked-on for the US version, it is painfully obvious the mouths DO NOT fit the words. Even the main guy sounds bored.<br>-Very frequent load times, the PS2 is sadly aging-<br>Unnecessary swearing, they arent shy about using very, very bad words. Every swear in human history is used, and frequently.<br>This game could have really benefitted from a dedicated "kick" button.<br>An overly-complex storyline that will quickly confuse you. With characters that have multiple titles, such as: "Tojo Clan Head Retainer- Third Branch Henchman`s Watchman!" which will end up meaning squat anyway.<br>Realistic Japan locations, but sadly most of the time the fixed camera is pointed downward to show mainly the pavement instead of the flashy neon signage.<br><br>I say wait until the price drops on this one, not worth your $50.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 10/11/06
So, so awful...
Horrible game. I think they were trying to make it like a movie...but all they did was create WAY too many cut scenes (boring ones at that) and WAY too little actual GAME. Awful interface and controls, silly fight system, too many load screens, not enough actual GAME. I play games to actually be involved, not to watch cut scenes of my character. I could go on, but why? This is the worst game I have played in a long, long time. Avoid it at all costs.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 9/22/07
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