Genre : Action Adventure
Also On Xbox 360
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A witch blessed with powers beyond the comprehension of mere mortals fights a non-stop battle for survival! Bayonetta leaves other action fighting epics in the dust with an unending onslaught of combat and carnage. Play as Bayonetta, a stunning witch who's as ruthless as she is graceful. Use incredible finishing moves against angelic legions in over-the-top cinematic combat that has you fighting with all fours. You'll equip Bayonetta with your choice of two weapon types: one for her hands and one for her feet. Once you see them in action, you'll agree that shotgun stilettos are the right look for any occasion.
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User Ratings (5533)
User Reviews (187)
Amazing but not addictive.
This game will have you saying Wow in the first few minutes of starting. The characters, the environments, and the action are all pure art. Everything about this game is just beautiful. Bayonetta herself is a graceful thing of beauty with the perfect amount of sass. Watching her in action is the best part of the whole game. It's more like she is dancing rather than fighting as she smoothly goes from one action to the next with every press of a button.
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<br />The story is unusual and keeps you interested in finding what is actually going on. Some cutscenes are shown as film-framed stills which kind of confused me at first. I was wondering why their mouths weren't moving while they talked until I understood what was going on. There are several difficulty settings so you can play the game any way you like, whether going for the pure challenge or just enjoying the visuals. The fighting is perfectly placed so you don't get overwhelmed or bored. I was expecting to not be able to put the controller down and to have an all-nighter, but this was not the case. I was slightly disappointed to realize that I didn't want to just keep on playing. I ended up playing in spurts here and there and, despite being blown away by the ending, I didn't really feel compelled to play again to find all the hidden witch coffins or to experience a harder difficulty or to collect other trophies. It was a very interesting game, just not interesting enough to suck me in all the way.
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<br />One specific problem with the game were the load times. Everything required an unusually long loading time as if you were playing a PSP game. Even if you picked up a new item, you would have to wait for a load before it showed you what you picked up. This didn't hurt the game too much but it just made you feel like something wasn't working right. I hope to play the game on the 360 to see how it is there and to see if a rumble-pad makes it better.
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<br />I think everyone should experience Bayonetta at least once.
(member since 2004)
reviewed on 1/21/10
Very Good, but not Great
So, I know every japanese game lover is gonna hate me for this(I know I do), but this game is not great. Visually, it is a very stunning game, the areas, some cutscenes, and the fight scenes are just beautiful. The story has a lot going for it with the forces of light and dark in a battle spanning mellinia, with nobody being good or bad, just a balance between the two. But, the story gets kinda spotty at times and your not too sure how certain things come into play or why they're even relevant to what you're doing. The cutscenes are great, when they're real cutscenes, but they use still renderings of the characters at times and have them talking but nobody is moving. Finally, the thing that really hurt this game for me was the massive amount of loading, I've played lots of amazing games that didn't waste this much time with all the loading. It was just irritating with the amount of loading you had to endure; die: load for 1 minute, next level: 1 minute, shop: 1 minute, pick up item: 30 seconds, pause: 15 seconds, inventory: 10-20 seconds depending on what you're doing. And my favorite load time of all: when you decide to save the game, it takes about 1 minute of loading once you bring up the menu before you can save the game, which takes another couple minutes to save.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 1/17/10
An amazing, beautiful game.
Bayonetta is a wonderful game for the Playstation 3, and Xbox 360. A must buy classic for both systems. Hopefully this gem is the first out of a series. <br /><br />Most people prefer the xbox 360 version for its faster loading times and its better frame rate, but honestly out of putting 30 hours into Bayonetta, I do not mind the longer loading times, and I don't notice any frame rate issues. I prefer the PS3 version simply because of the controller, and the feel the PS3 gives when I play.<br /><br />You play as Bayonetta, a witch that slays angels. The action on this game is probably more intense then the action in any other game I played. The graphics are incredible and the art work is extremely unique and very well done. The environment and atmosphere to the game is always amazing. <br /><br />The main character is very different from any game I played. She has a weird shaped body, wears strange clothes, has butterfly wings when she double jumps, can transform into animals, can slow down time, she moves very...err sexual, and she is very cocky.. But it just adds on to what makes this game so great and unique.<br /><br />The story is kind of corny and might not make very much sense, but it is still interesting and fun to watch. I found myself watching each cut-scene throughout the whole game. Some cut-scenes more then once.<br /><br />Basically in almost every level, there's either a horde of enemies or a boss fight every 30 seconds. But it is fun and very challenging (challenging if your playing on normal mode or higher) When certain enemies die you can pick up their weapons and use them for a short period of time. <br /><br />A lot of people compare this game to Devil May Cry, and there are a few people from devil may cry that worked on this game, but this game gives me more of a Sega feel the whole time. The music sounds like a Sega game, the artwork feels Segaish, You collect halos that will remind you of rings in Sonic, there's a character named Eggman, the intense speed will remind you of sonic. Etc. Beautiful game.
(member since 2010)
reviewed on 1/12/10
Come on People
Don't listen to ANY negative review you hear about this game. If you like quick action-packed games with a good amount of character variation and a lot of expandability, Bayonetta does it all! The whole issue about loading I could understand, but with the new patch and a hard-drive install, I hardly noticed load times at all. And when they DO have an extended load time (eg between levels or portals), they give you a little practice screen so you can discover new combos and kick more booty.<br /><br />The way this game is put together is also very clever. If you have the desire to search for the alfheim portals (or just use a guide), then the game is designed so you have master a certain skill before you can get the item, which helps you in your in-game fighting as well. The game basically teaches you strategies along the way, which is definitely needed as there are some craaaaaazy enemies in this game that can be killer to defeat if you don't have the right skillset.<br /><br />The only reason I give the game a nine is that the last boss is kind of ridiculous. If you thought the game was OVER a little prematurely and chose not to buy any healing items, then you're basically screwed. Also, the comic book style cinemas are kind of corny, but they fit naturally into the game I think, plus it's intermixed with full-motion sequences, so it didn't bother me.<br /><br />Anyway, if you want a fun, funny, action-packed game, Bayonetta is a good way to spend a few days.
(member since 2010)
reviewed on 3/3/10
It's a 10
Anyone who finds some slight fault with this game is just looking for a reason knock a game that sets the bar for imagination and innovation. Just when you think it can't get better, Bayonetta is racing down a highway on a motorcycle. Long load times on PS3? Shut up crybaby. What game lets you practice your fighting moves in the loadscreen. What game lets you do anything but sit there and read the same "tips" over and over? What they have done with Bayonetta is created a female lead that is absolutely cool and completely unique, put her in a darn good story, that is well told through a great balance of action and cut scenes and then threw in even more fun elements . Are there elements of the game that most can draw a parallel to, like the motorcycle sequence being a lot like the Ghost Rider game? Yes. Difference is, if any part of Bayonetta reminds you of another game, you have to think of how much better they did it with Bayonetta. The game is fun, sexy, funny, action packed and anything but boring from start to finish. What's more the QC is flawless, as are the game mechanics. They did this game right and did it better than 99% of the games out there.
(member since 2009)
reviewed on 1/6/10
Non-existent story
I am very disappointed with this great action game. I played into the first 4 chapters and put the game down for a few days. I was about to return the game but decided to keep playing. The story does start coming in at the last couple chapters but still makes no sense of anything before. Another issue I ran into was the games lack of direction. I found myself running into times where I didn't know what the heck was going on.<br /><br />On a positive note, the action in the game is great. Often times it does get a bit repetitive until the game throws in a new weapon or the motorcycle and missile chapter. Definitely a button masher but what kinda game like this isn't. I found though that during the load times I saw that the triangle button would often come up as if the circle button was pressed. I have not had that issue in any other game but it didn't impact the game because I am just button pressing anyways.<br /><br />Load times are some what ridiculous too, especially for the in game menu or just to pause it. I'm guessing that's because the game doesn't install to the PS3.<br /><br />Overall, it's a shame that these minor hiccups could make playing this game a miserable experience. I would definitely play a sequel to this if these issues were addressed.
(member since 2010)
reviewed on 1/17/10
Huge Scale Action Packed Adventure
Don't let the first few minutes confuse(or bore) you, there are plenty of "OH MY GOD" moments to be experienced. This game takes scale and space to a massive scale. The creative combat system will make you not want to put down the controller, and with so many (easy) combos, it never gets stale. Give it a try!
(member since 2008)
reviewed on 1/8/10
All Spectacle, No Substance
Cons:<br />No camera control<br />Character can be difficult to see amidst the effects/scenery<br />Combat is repetitive button-mashing<br />Story is incomprehensible<br />Everything has a loading screen, including the Pause menu<br />Enemies are carbon-copies of each other<br /><br />Pros:<br />Levels are well-designed<br />Graphics are very good<br />Boss fights are entertaining<br /><br />The only reason I could recommend Bayonetta is the spectacle of it. If you want to disarm a 50'-tall angel, then use his battle axe like a stripper pole as you twirl around shooting giant pistols from your ankles until your hair/clothes turn into a demon portal, which eats the angel then explodes in a spray of fireworks and butterflies, then this game is for you.
(member since 2009)
reviewed on 4/12/10
Awesome Game But Better On The 360
This game is sure to enthuse fans of the Devil May Cry series and series like it. Unfortunately, the PS3 version suffers from constant load times that are truly terrible. That might seem like an exaggeration, but it's not. If you don't own an Xbox 360 this game is still a really solid title, just be forewarned about the load times.
(member since 2009)
reviewed on 1/5/10
Disappointing Game
I was very disappointed with this game. The main character is sexy and can pull off some very brutal combos, however, that was not enough to hold my attention for long. The storyline is boring and the game play is very repetitive. I am glad that I did not spend $60 on this game.
(member since 2010)
reviewed on 1/20/10