Brute Force
Genre : Shooter
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A squad-based action game where you control four unique military specialists with their own strengths and abilities. Play as Flint, the cyborg sniper; Brutus, the gigantic muscle-bound alien; Hawk, the invisible scout; or Tex, the weapons specialist. Brute Force contains six huge planets on which to play. Fight the evil Federation and carve out a place for yourself among the stars. Multiplayer modes include cooperative play and deathmatch.
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User Ratings (723)
User Reviews (11)
Decent game
This game was released with a lot of hype that it failed to meet. It is a fairly decent game, but nothing to write home about. The controls are a little clunky but workable, and the graphics are fairly decent. It can be a little challenging at times, but overall is a fairly easy game. The multiplayer is not worth playing with games like Halo out there. A decent game to try, but don't expect too much.
(member since 2004)
reviewed on 6/15/06
Good For A Play Through
Brute Force is a good game to play through once, but there's certainly no replay value. The controls are smooth, and the story is okay. It's worth a rental.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 12/30/07
Brute Force
I really enjoyed the characters, I wish they could have had more interaction. The first shooter fire was excellent. I was completely transported on this interplanetary journey. I didn't want it to end. Unlike some first shooter games even the hardest movments were easy to follow without the ill effect some games report.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 4/16/06
Brute Force
brute force was great i mean teriffic and awesome
(member since 2010)
reviewed on 7/12/10
brute force
this is a good game any one who is a fan of shooters should play this game
(member since 2009)
reviewed on 4/8/11
Oh memories!
Brute Force was one of the hotly anticipated titles to come out for the Xbox and maybe rival Halo, or so it claimed. But what it did bring to the table was solid third person gameplay with the incorporation of ragdoll physics which I don't know how any game can live with out. This game supported a poor story with some solid gameplay and multiplayer features that made the title last. The single player was short and sweet and the multiplayer is fun for a bit, but the coop is where the game shines. I bought this game when it came out, that night had my friends over to play it together and we beat it and some of the memories of that gaming session will last a life time.<br><br>The problems can be seen in the bland environments and the not so tight controls that tried to mimic Halo and kinda fail. Lacked Xbox Live and just stood out kinda dull except for the coop fun!<br><br>This title is a good rental no matter what, but if you have three other friends that would play it with you through, then you should really rent this game.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 6/30/07
An alright game.
A great 3rd-person shoot that has cooperative play! It isn't Halo worthy, but offline campaign offers a change if you have beaten Halo for the 10th time.
(member since 2010)
reviewed on 8/26/10
good game
Well its a good game but it has the same things as halo like the crosshairs the controls the mini map thing like your enemeis as red your allies as yellow But its a good game though
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 7/3/07
co-op fun
GAMEPLAY: 7<br>GRAPHICS: 5<br><br>I love these type of co-op games with different types of solders to control. Fun game. Outdated graphics.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 6/15/07
this is game is so boring and repetitive i wouldnt recommend it to ANYONE
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 7/25/06
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