Genre : Shooter
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Looking for a stealthy exercise in precision gunning? Train your sights elsewhere. Black is a full-on bulletfest where you'll blast through everything - and every enemy - in sight. Nothing about this explosive shooter is subtle. Ripping the best elements from action-packed Hollywood blockbusters, Black puts its human operatives in supporting roles. The starring role, however, belongs to the uber-caliber arsenal at your disposal. Bullets shred boards, explosives rip concrete off buildings, and the rest of your surroundings crumble in environments where just about anything can be obliterated. If you can see it you can shoot it in this adrenalized storm of intense destruction.
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User Reviews (185)
Pure gun porn...old school shooter style
Let me start by saying those of you who are looking for a halo 2 type game with a riveting storyline and online play you should not be buying this game. on the other hand those of you who are looking for an action packed adrenaline filled mindless romp through the streets and forests wasting everything in your path, and literally being a god *breathes*....then read on. Let me break this down into pros and cons<br><br>pros: the graphics and particle effects in black are absolutely the greatest ever seen on the xbox, black rivals doom 3 in the graphics department. The shooting is 100 percent superb, throughout the entire game you feel exactly like your holding an ak 47 or a sub machine gun. The sheer fun of running through a building full of armed baddies blowing chunks out of the wall and hastily throwing grenades is a great experience, no game has had this much adrenaline filled action since the old duke nukem days. From a technical standpoint this game is also a great masterpiece not once did i see a fps drop which now a days plagues almost every graphically advanced shooter.<br><br>cons: this games storyline is probably the worst thing i have ever seen. I had literally no idea what was going on the entire time i was playing, it was still a blast but it would have gotten a 10 if it weren't for this. Also this game does get very repetitive after you beat it a few times, there really just isn't a reason to go back and do it again once you beat it on black ops difficulty. The AI is a disappointment, they do take cover and what not but they just aren't smart (this didn't bother me a whole lot because i didn't really come into this game wanting my face blown off every 30 seconds because the ai is so good :)) The variety of guns could have been fleshed out a little more. alot of the guns almost feel alike.<br><br>overall: great game a recommended rent, this game doesn't have enough replay value to go out and buy. but it is certainly worth checking out. HAPPY SHOOTING!
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 5/4/06
Graphics abound...Story is Weak
I have been playing Black for months now and still find it to be one of the better FPS for the Xbox but far from the best. For the trigger happy kid in you, this game will not disappoint. But if you are looking for an intelligent, emotional, and captivating storyline, you will be sorely disappointed. One of the most outstanding features Black has to offer is the graphics...especially the gun models and the explosions. To be honest, I got more thrill out of blowing things up than killing the enemy. All of this is wonderful but can become very routine and boring over the course of the game. Basically it's the same formula that adopts most FPS's...run around, get guns, blow things up, kill enemy, win the game. The gameplay itself is short and I would have enjoyed more environments to play in. It seems that the level design was fairly linear and gave you little time to explore. I found that to be very annoying and almost made me feel like I had to speed along in the game. Though these shortcomings are bad in the spectrum of serious gamers and critics, I do recommend this title for mindless shoot'em up fun. Graphically and sound speaking, you can't go wrong but don't expect much beyond that.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 10/18/06
great fps shooter!!!!!!!!
This game has many good features to it.<br>1. Its graphics<br>2. descent A.I<br>3. Beautiful level design.<br>4. Cut scenes are real people<br>5. The bad guys die pretty funny.<br>Overall, its one of the best games i ever played for the xbox.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 1/28/07
Black Balled
This game has a cool premise of shooting everything around you, but there was no point beyond that. Shooting windows and walls is fun, while sniping people in the grave yard was the best part. After that the game was dull and a bit redundant.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 4/13/06
This game kicks big juicy but
ok, so this game is just about the coolest game for xbox besides halo 2. i'm going to buy it for sure and you should too. black is a first-person shooter that kicks big chunky but. if you don't rent black then i will come to your house and make you. get the game.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 10/20/07
Black is awesome. the sound and visuals are through the roof. Dolby 5.1 surround completes the game. Although Black did offer outstanding effects, It lacked in mission availability and multiplayer. Overall, there are only 8 missions and no multiplayer. Now add some more missions and Xbox live, and Black 2 will definitely top the charts.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 4/13/06
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!- !!!!!!!
awsome graphics cool wepoans and finally i get to use a sweet sniper and ak-47.killing people was never so much fun<br>
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 2/23/07
All the pieces but they just don't fit
Black was the color of my mood after playing this mediocre first person shooter. I mean, take away the graphical fluff and the content is lacking. Check points and areas to save are few and far between compared to almost all genres nowadays, given our fast paced lifestyles where we want to pick up and play for a bit and move on to something else. The selection of weapons is small and you can’t really customize them like most shooter fans are becoming accustomed to. The storyline is intriguing, pulling ideas from almost any thriller/spy movie you can think of, but just as it pulls you in, it fails to keep you in the loop and leaves you confused by the end. Black is an average first person shooter with a few new tricks up its sleeve but not enough to keep me coming back for more. It’s worth a try but probably not a keeper.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 4/11/06
Black is fun, but totally sucked
had some cool guns and the aiming reticle was pretty acurrate. most of my shots must have bounced off thier helmets cause i was shooting all the fools in the face i swear. i liked the gameplay.<br>but the story, cutscenes and ending were the worst ever. luckily once you unlock hard you can skip all that bogus junk and get to the mission. its pretty hard but the people come out in the same places so its easy to plan new strategies. once you get black ops opened up you can play all the missions with a mi6 with attached grenade launcher both with unlimited ammo and they have you go through all the missions again not missing any secondary objectives. thats when i sent this back. definatley worth getting if youve already played both the good games that have come out these past few years.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 4/13/06
Oh....My.....Giddy....Aun- t...
I have played some pretty (censored)<br>shooters....and some very over hyped games...but this is by far my worst experience. Black Starts off with alot of appeal, and seems pretty solid, but after about...7 minutes of play you realize how incredibly boring and run of the mill it really is. they bragged about huge destructible environments and using the environment to your advantage; but really its about as destructive as half-life or red faction 2. The only things you get to blow up are little wooden crates or maybe part of a tree or (oh joy) the occasional fraction<br>of a tiny cottage; if you were wanting this game for it's "destructive" qualities go play The Hulk.<br>As far as "using the environment to your advantage" goes, all you get are red explosive barrels...which if you haven't noticed are pretty much part of EVERY FPS GAME on the market...<br>One last little thing...anytime you run across a door on the game, you can't just open it like a regular person would do, or even knock it down like a member of a s.w.a.t team would; Nope,<br>you have to be Mr. Billy Bad(censored) and blow it down with your shotgun or a grenade...anyways enough rambling here's an actual review<br><br>Story: 6: pretty typical for an FPS.<br><br>Sound: 8: wow...the easiest category to score well in.<br><br>gameplay: 4: repetitive, bland, cheesy...<br><br>control: 7: eh the controls are decent except for the fact you only get a dot instead of a cross hair and can't adjust the thumbstick sensitivity.<br><br>replayability: 0: i had enough trouble playing through the first time, i would probably rather take a bullet in the groin than play this game again...<br><br>rent or buy?<br><br>in my honest opinion...<br><br>go slap an executive of E.A in the face for making this pile.<br><br>
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 7/21/06
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