Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires
Genre : RPG
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Bizarre and dangerous creatures live in the world of Neverland, where humans and demons are locked in an unending struggle. The humans gained power after the first Neverland War. The Demons took it back in the second. Now, in Magic Age 1053, ruthless demon troops reduce the town of Petun to ash. From there, the Demon Army goes on a rampage, destroying every human town in its path. The humans begin to resist, first with sporadic riots, then a movement, one that echoes a better time: the Reformed Simba Empire. So begins the bloody seven year war that serves as the backdrop to Spectral Souls, a thrilling strategy RPG...
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User Ratings (148)
User Reviews (12)
A good game that you keep waiting to play
Yes, this would be a great game if it weren't for two words ... Accessing Disk. These two words single-handedly make a game that would score an 8 or a 9 into a game scoring a 4. I have to say that I really like where the game is headed from the moment I put it in my PSP. This game has so much of what makes Disgaea and its ilk so much fun - the tile based strategy battles, and over-the-top special moves. A deep story, involving characters, a plot concerning 2 nations at war - these things all make this game worth playing, at least in theory. Once you start a new game, you're forced to endure this game's worst feature - dialog. It's not even that the dialog is bad - the dialog is great, but when it takes 10-20 seconds of disk access between every bit of text loading up, that's no fun. I find it hard to believe that the designers couldn't stream 1 whole conversation from the PSP's loud and slow disk-drive when games like GTA are able to keep an entire city alive without making half as many disk accesses. In a ride from one side of a GTA city to the other, the only time I can discern any disk access is when hopping into a new car with a new radio station on it.<br><br>Seriously, this game has so much potential, but the fact that every move, every step, every piece of dialog, and every bit of fun in this game is interrupted by "Accessing Disk" makes this game inexcusably impossible to play. If this game promises 60-80 hours of play, at least 50 of those hours are spent waiting for the disk to load up the next 10 seconds of dialog, or for the game to tell me how far I can walk in one move. Also, the system of saving your progress will not let you save without asking you to delete something first. You don't have to delete anything, but you always have to type in the name of the new save. This gets old the second time you have to save. Really, the designers needed to spend more than 5 min. with the PSP dev-kit to fix these bugs.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 4/30/07
Love the graphics, HATE the loading.
This game would have scored MUCH higher with me if it wasn't for the tremendous load on the systems memory! I mean the game has some GREAT graphics, and the sound track seems to be pretty kick'n too. But this apparently has a terrible price on the load times because it has to read from the disk with EVERY move the character makes, and says. I mean that literally! Granted, the load times between the attacks, slashes, fireballs, etc. are pretty minimal (about 2-3 seconds), but that IS 2-3 seconds between attacks, and that is for ONE character! If you think you can put up with a game that plays slowly, this one may be for you, like I said, the graphics are top notch, and the sound track is pretty good, and the battle system seems to be pretty fair though a little steep on the learning curve.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 5/5/07
not bad
The game wasn't bad but it takes like a hour to finish 1 fight which is kind of annoying takes so long every time they attack but all and all it was fun for the most.
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 10/9/06
Promising title... maybe promised too much...
Let me start this off by apologizing to fans of the "tactics" style RPGs such as Final Fantasy Tactics. With that said, I definitely DID NOT enjoy this title as much as I thought that I was going to. I expected a true RPG style game, with possibly good graphics. Instead I found myself playing an RPG/Tactics style hybrid (albeit an unsuccessfully done one) with a very scattered storyline (that was very obviously poorly translated to English from the original) and old-school RPG Maker style graphics (which in itself doesn't bother me... but combined with the rest of the game's lackluster features made for a disappointment). The combat system was pretty poorly laid out and definitely needed a tweaking. Dialogue between characters was poorly strung together and was riddled with needless "obligatory" expletives - I suppose to try and appeal to what they felt American gamers would want. Play this game if you are bored and have nothing else available. Otherwise, pick up a game like "Y's" or even one of the "Untold Legends" games...
(member since 2006)
reviewed on 10/1/06
This game is perfect if you like waiting
Lag times. This game elevates the words to a new level. You get disk access lags whenever something changes. Peform an attack, oh, wait 5 seconds to load the attack graphic. If two characters attack, wait on each, if they use different attacks, wait on each one. You are literally waiting on the game 75% of the time. There is also no way to quickly go thru the tedious cut scenes. Couple this with the limited information you're given ingame about armor/weapons/spells, and you have an amazingly bad port. This game is very similar to Final Fantasy Tactics, except FFT was quick paced, informative, and fun to play. Spectral Spouls is the opposite of this. The save game interface is so bad as to be laughable, each time asking if you want to delete other saves, and each time forcing you to name a new save. I can't think of to many things that would make this game worse. Oh, maybe if it gave you an electrical shock during the 'disk access' message. If you play this game, you will spend more time waiting than playing.
(member since 2004)
reviewed on 10/10/06
PSP hurts this game.
The game looks like it has a lot of promise. The lack of receiving manuals with games via gamefly hurts the game somewhat, but the biggest problem is that the game has to load for a moment before doing ANYTHING. So the game bogs down very fast and I ended up sending it back fairly quickly due to tedium. If you're looking for a fast-paced game, this is not for you. If you're looking for a tactical RPG that has you sitting there waiting for the game to process and load for every turn of combat, every bit of story, or anything else, then you'll love this game.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 3/18/07
the graphics are ok and the soundtrack is nice but that does not make up for the load every time you're character talks in this game it loads not the entire chat just one person at a time. The same goes for the fighting though well made it takes almost 4 seconds per attack for it to load the attack and if you actually kill someone it has to reload the time for attacks just to remove that one which takes another 4-6 seconds it could have been a great game without the constant load.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 9/15/08
I didn't believe the reviews...
Until I actually played this game. I thought that it was over exaggerated with the scan disc situation, but after having 5 minutes of waiting to load a few lines of dialog, I was convinced that this game was really, REALLY bad.<br><br>That is tough coming from someone who loves turn based strat games, I really did want to give this a fair shot but seeing that it would be even worse than the opening that I made it through, I figured I should just return it. This is one of those games that needed to be on a larger disc or needed to be on a cart, not on a UMD disc.<br><br>Stay away from this one, please...
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 5/28/07
This game was slow even for a psp game, usually on RPG's there is a way to bypass all the story lines. Not on this one. It was hard to figure out how to control each army. It was just very very slow.
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 5/25/07
Kuro's Thoughts
I've always loved this series, especially the companies. I think this was a good game but the psp just didn't have the ower to oad it right, it was slow and a bit laggy. The story is good, gamepay as well but it shoud be moved to another console in my thoughts, but I do highy recommend teh game none the less.
(member since 2013)
reviewed on 8/17/13