Genre : Action Adventure
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Up to eight can play as two teams of four fighters face off in hand-to-hand combat. More than 130 unique characters talk and express emotions, and characters have more than 55 bones to show lifelike movement, rendered in up to 7000 polygons. Each of 17 different teams has special abilities, and your fights take place in 15 unique combat areas. Graphics employ specular lighting, bump mapping, and bumped reflection mapping for cutting-edge visuals. Away from the action, you'll manage your team and its prize money -- and you can even import your own tunes for the soundtrack.
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User Ratings (302)
User Reviews (8)
this game is amazing
wow this game is soo good i mean the graphics are not amazing but the game play is so great the keeps that mean rough attitude throughout the game also keeping the futuristic style game play always in check good audio and awesome teams wicked unlockables this game is great if you have not rented it yet rent it now i give it a 9.5 oldie but a goodie
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 5/8/06
The Best XBox Game Ever?
No one knows just how great this game really is because it has a bit of a learning curve. But if you can manage to dedicate yourself to learning the weird mechanics of movement and passing, you will be in for one of the greatest treats ever. I only wish UbiSoft would pull their heads out of that dark place and allow the sequel to be made. Deathrow on the 360, with some RPG elements, would be one of the best sports games EVER.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 10/15/07
This is my kind of sports game. Why bother scoring points when you can win by knocking your opponents unconcious? In fact, it's easier to win that way.<br><br>This game is especially fun with two players on the same team. Divide and conquer as you punch and kick the opposing team across the ground....Maybe score a couple points here and there.<br><br>It's a whole lot of fun.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 12/31/07
great concept!
Deathrow is a great concept that was poorly executed. The new sport is fun to play and will keep you wondering for a bit but then it fails to hold you in with poor controls a boring single player and repetitive gameplay. Still there is nothing better than killing people on a court! And winning a match via complete team kill is very satisfying! Worth a rent for a gamer looking for a different sport. But other than that you don't have to play it.
(member since 2007)
reviewed on 6/30/07
this is probably the only game ive gotten that i never wanted to return. with so many unlockables and fast-paced adrenaline-filled action this game will have you drooling
(member since 2005)
reviewed on 5/27/07
i agree i loved this game when i owned it ugh y did i ever sell my xbox and my copy!
(member since 2012)
reviewed on 8/23/12
The best game ever,....not rentable??:(
This game rocks! I have beenn looking for this game for ever and it seems that it is very hard to find i loved playing this game with some of my own music playing...I think that was one of the best features of most games back then and wow, did I mention this game rocks?!
(member since 2011)
reviewed on 4/11/11
best game ever
best game i ever played on the original xbox
(member since 2010)
reviewed on 7/26/10
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